    (Last updated : 2025-03-15 16:38:27)
  LI Yan
   Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of Sustainability and Tourism
   Position   Professor
■ Education
1. 1981/09~1985/08 Economic Geography (Urban and Regional Planning), Faculty of Science, Nanjing University, Graduated, Bachelor of Science
2. 1985/09~1988/08 〔Master Course〕 Urban Geography, Graduate School Institute of West European and North American Geography, East China Normal University, Completed, Master of Science
3. 1991/04~1994/09 〔Doctorial Course〕 Transport Engineering, Graduate School Division of Engineering, Kyoto University, Completed, Doctor of Engineering
■ Academic and professional experience
1. 2000/01~ Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
2. 1997/04~1999/06 Fukuyama Consultants Co. Ltd. Survey Dept Researcher
3. 1995/04~1997/03 Ritsumeikan University Civil Environment Division Engineering Dept. Assistant
■ Message
There is an old Chinese proverb saying that "以不变应万变", which literally means “meet all changes by remaining unchanged”. We live in a world where things are changing so rapidly that virtually nobody could possibly follow all of them. The wise way is to acquire an “all-purpose ability” that enables you to cope with all kinds of situation or need. That is the ability to think and act on your own. I hope you will master this "all-purpose ability" at APU.
■ Current specialized field
Environmental Impact Assessment/Environment Policy, City Planning/Architectural Planning, Traffic Engineering, Land Planning, Social System Engineering/Safety System 
■ Books and theses
1. 2025/03/15 Book Comparative study of environmental education systems in elementary schools in China and Japan The Asian Conference on Education 2024 Official Conference Proceedings pp.1899-1913 (Collaboration)  Link
2. 2022/12/18 Article Reverse supply chain for end- of- life vehicles treatment: An in- depth content review Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 17,pp.200128 (Collaboration) 
3. 2018/02 Article The spatial structure of employment in the metropolitan region of Tokyo: A scale-view Urban Geography 39,pp.236-262 (Collaboration) 
4. 2017/10 Article Challenges in developing an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions of Chinese cities: A case study of Beijing Journal of Cleaner Production 161(0),pp.1051-1063 (Collaboration) 
5. 2017/10 Article Exploring spatial explicit Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Location-based accounting approach and implications in Japan Journal of Cleaner Production 167(0),pp.702-712 (Collaboration) 
Display all(101)
■ Academic or professional association memberships
1. 2002/04 City Planning Institute of Japan
■ Professional contribution to Society
1. 2003/06~2013/05 Member of Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Committee of Oita Prefecture (2003-2013)
2. 2005/04~ Member of City Planning Committee of Beppu City (2005-)
3. 2011/01~2012/01 member of Tourist Statistics Technical Committee of Oita Prefecture (2011-)
4. 2012/08~ Member of Harbor Examination Board of Kitakyusyu City (2012-)
5. 2014/02~2016/01 New Energy Promotion Committee(2014.2-2016.1)
■ E-Mail address
■ Researchmap researcher code