    (Last updated : 2024-02-25 11:48:08)
  PROGLER Joseph
   Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of Asia Pacific Studies
   Position   Professor
■ Education
1. 1993~1996 〔Doctorial Course〕 Cultural History of Western-Islamic Relations, Department of American Studies Intercultural Studies Division, State University of New York at Buffalo, Completed, Ph.D.
2. 1990~1993 〔Master Course〕 The Art of Sound in the World of Islam, Department of Music Center for Ethnomusicology, Columbia University in the City of New York, Completed, M.Phil.
3. 1988~1990 〔Master Course〕 Computer Assisted Data Analysis in the Humanities, Department of English Interdisciplinary Humanities Program, State University of New York at Buffalo, Completed, M.A.
4. 1982~1985 Music Education, Concordia CollegeBronxville, Graduated
5. 1979~1982 Liberal Arts, Mercy CollegeDobbs Ferry, Unfinished
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■ Message
Message to undergraduate students: You ought to accomplish three things as a student: Learn the care of the self, develop a useful skill, and find your joy. All else is superfluous. Message to graduate students: Your mind is a muscle, use it or lose it, but better to lose your mind than to use it for animosity, dishonesty, exploitation, and injustice.
■ Current specialized field
Ethnomusicology, Philosophy and ethics, Religious studies, Theory of art practice, Education (Key Word:Ethnomusicology: studies of music performance practice, jazz history and repertoire; music and religion, music of the Islamic world) 
■ Books and theses
1. 2021/06/23 Article An Anatomy of Satirical Cartoons in Contemporary Vietnam: Political Communication and Representations of Systemic Corruption in a One-party State Asian Studies Review  (Collaboration) 
2. 2016/11 Book Relational Thinking in the Humanities and Social Sciences: The Educational Dimension of Eco-Justice, chapter in Eco-Justice: Essays on Theory and Practice in 2016.  pp.67-82 (Single) 
3. 2016/02 Book The Digital Revolution in the Muslim World, chapter in C. A. Bowers, Digital Detachment: How Computer Culture Undermines Democracy.  pp.46-59 (Collaboration) 
4. 2015/02 Book Another Shortcoming of the Common Core Standards: Knowledge of Wisdom Traditions, chapter in C. A. Bowers, An Ecological and Cultural Critique of the Common Core Standards.  pp.81-98 (Single) 
5. 2014/03 Article Internationalization and Cultural Diversity in Higher Education: Teaching for Mutual Understanding Ritsumeikan International Affairs 12,pp.61-81 (Single) 
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■ Conference presentations
1. 2023/12/03 Unity and diversity in jazz jam sessions in Japan: The role of repertoire and community participation in facilitating spontaneous musical performance (Annual Asia Pacific Conference)
2. 2022/12/04 Non-verbal communication in jazz jam sessions in Oita prefecture, Japan: The role of hand gestures, facial expressions and musical cues in facilitating spontaneous musical creation (Annual Asia Pacific Conference)
3. 2021/12/05 Spatial, personal and temporal journeys: Two cinematic takes on the pilgrim's quest (Annual Asia Pacific Conference)
4. 2020/11/14 An inclusive view of American and Japanese cinematic responses to the atom bomb (Annual Asia Pacific Conference)
5. 2019/11/30 Representing cultures of governance in religious cinema: Doubt and humility as transformative qualities in The shoes of the fisherman and Zir-e nur-e mah (Annual Asia Pacific Conference)
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■ Homepage