    (Last updated : 2024-02-21 09:58:25)
  RUIZ-NAVAS Santiago
   Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of International Management
   Position   Associate Professor
■ Education
1. 2013/10~2019/03 〔Doctorial Course〕 Innovation management, Enviroment and society, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Completed, Doctor in Management of Technology in Innovation
2. 2008/02~2011/02 〔Master Course〕 Management of Technology, Engineering, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Completed
3. 2001/02~2007/02 Electronic Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Graduated
■ Academic and professional experience
1. 2020/03~2021/08 Waterloo University Biology Postdoctoral Fellow
■ Message
I believe that education is a crucial ingredient to shape society and that the time at the university shapes in a significant way students’ mindset. Therefore, I believe that giving my all as a good teacher is a way to contribute to change the world for good.
■ Current research
Currently working on how technology can take us closer to a NetZero future.
Using gamification to improve student's achievement of learning goals.
■ Current specialized field
Business administration, Others, Library and information science, humanistic and social informatics (Key Word:Entrepreneurship, Data analytics, Management of Technology and Innovation, Scientometrics) 
■ Books and theses
1. 2024/02/12 Article Are there literature reviews about gamification to foster inclusive teaching? A scoping review of gamification literature reviews. Frontiers in Education 9(1),pp.1-13 (Collaboration)  Link
2. 2021/12/15 Article An Empirical Analysis of AI Related Scientific Knowledge and Technologies To Support Elderly Independent Living STI Policy and Management Journal 6(2),pp.119-129 (Collaboration)  Link
3. 2019/12/15 Article Evolutionary Path of Development of AI and Patterns of Knowledge Convergence over the Second and Third AI Booms STI Policy and Management Journal 4(2),pp.125-142 (Collaboration)  Link
4. 2018/11/07 Article Developing a framework to track knowledge convergence in 'big data' International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning 12(2),pp.121-151 (Collaboration)  Link
5. 2018/10/08 Article Public Broadcaster's Big-data Technology Trajectories: The Case of NHK and BBC Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) 1(1),pp.1-1 (Collaboration)  Link
Display all(8)
■ Awards and honors
1. 2021/09 Colciencias/minciencias [STS forum] Young Leaders Program 2021 ([STS forum] Young Leaders Program 2021) Link
2. 2014/10 Asialics Best student paper award ASIALICS 2014. (Best student paper award ASIALICS 2014.) Link
3. 2012/09 Colciencias/minciencias Doctorado Exterior - 568 (Scholarship recipient) Link
■ Qualification and licenses
1. 2022/06/04 CWTS Scientometrics Summer School 2022 Link
2. 2022/03/04 Kyushu University - Babson College Global Symposium for Entrepreneurship Educators Link
3. 2022/01/27 Ivey Case Writing Workshop Link
■ E-Mail address
■ Homepage
■ JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number
■ Researchmap researcher code
■ External Researcher ID
orcID 0000-0003-3368-2856