ゲイドス マシュー ジョセフ
  GAYDOS Matthew Joseph
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学  教育開発・学修支援センター
   職種   助教
研究期間 2020/04~2023/03
研究課題 Integrated Programming English Education
研究委託元等の名称 日本学術振興会
研究種目名 基盤研究(C)
科研費研究課題番号 20K03068
キーワード Integration, Integrated education, Programming Education, Unplugged programming, Professional development, English Language, Teacher Training
代表分担区分 研究分担者
代表者 DOMENACH Florent
概要 Our plans to add to potential open workshops targeted on-demand workshops from broader community centers look overwhelmingly challenging, so we shifted the focus to the development of pedagogical (in English and Japanese) for unplugged programming activities, to popularize the genre and provide educators resources to choose their class material from, and attract more school teachers partners.