アルカンタラ ライラーニ ライネサ   ALCANTARA Lailani Laynesa
  ALCANTARA Lailani L.
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学  国際経営学部
   職種   教授
研究期間 2016/04~2019/03
研究課題 Unfolding the contested process of innovation diffusion
実施形態 個人研究
研究区分 科学研究費助成事業
研究委託元等の名称 日本学術振興会
研究種目名 若手研究(B)
科研費研究課題番号 16K17191
キーワード innovation, contestation, diffusion, adoption, legitimacy
代表分担区分 研究代表者
概要 In FY 2018, I will focus on analyzing my data, validating my research findings, writing my research paper, and presenting my paper at academic conferences. In analyzing my data I will perform text data analyses using QDA Miner and Wordstat. In addition, to further investigate the framing biases that potentially affect the adoption and non-adoption of genetically modified organisms, I will conduct an experimental study. I plan to finish two research papers: one that analyzes the contested process of innovation diffusion at the country level and the other at the individual level. I will also present my research outputs at the Academy of International Business, the 16th Asia Pacific Conference, and other conferences in APU and Asia.