Department Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of Asia Pacific Studies Position Professor |
Research Period | 2009~2011 |
Research Topic | A study on Ede Language in Central Highland of Vietnam |
Research Type | Individual Research |
Research Division | KAKENHI Research |
Consignor | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science |
Research Program Type | Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) |
KAKENHI Grant No. | 21720154 |
Responsibility | Representative Researcher |
Representative Person | TAHARA Hiroki |
Details | Based on the on-site research of Ede phonetics, this project shows the Ede phoneme inventory, basic vocabulary and grammatical essentials of Ede. The project also focused on sociolinguistics aspects of Ede such as Ede in the mass media, Ede in the primary education. |