ルウ ペトラス ウェレム   ROUX Petrus Willem
  Petrus Willem ROUX
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学  教育開発・学修支援センター
   職種   准教授
研究期間 2021/04/01~
研究課題 Cultivating Cultural Intelligence (CQ): Designing a pedagogy for the 21st century
実施形態 個人研究
研究区分 科学研究費助成事業
研究種目名 Early-Career Scientists
科研費研究課題番号 21K13654
代表分担区分 研究代表者
概要 Globalization, technological advances and COVID-19 are disrupting educational systems everywhere and higher education (HE) institutions need to adapt. Specifically, HE pedagogies that utilize educational technologies for intercultural learning remain very underdeveloped. This project applies a unique interdisciplinary framework to investigate the development of cultural intelligence (CQ) in undergraduates. Combining instructional design (ID) theory and educational technologies in a blended learning and hybrid-type classroom format, the project investigates the use of online learning technologies and traditional methods of experience-based learning to develop the CQ of students at a Japanese university. The key scientific question is to investigate how CQ can be developed at the HE level by using technologically enhanced educational approaches to build an integrative pedagogy for intercultural learning in online, blended and hybrid-type environments.