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  PARDO Phillip Dean
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学  国際経営学部
   職種   教授
研究期間 2009~2011
研究課題 Market orientation and business performance: evidence from the hotel industry in Germany
実施形態 共同研究
キーワード Market Orientation, Customer orientation, Competition orientation, Inter-functional coordination, Hotel Performance,Market Share improvement
概要 The study investigates the potential impact of the three components of market orientation (i.e. customer orientation, competition orientation and inter-functional coordination) on various performance indicators in the hotel service segment. The findings provide a new insight by exploring how different factors impact upon the performance of the hotel sector. Overall, the regression analysis suggests that the owners and managers in the hotel industry who implement a market orientation enjoy higher business performance (i.e. profit goal attainment, sales goal achievement, and return on investment realization and improvements in market share).