Department Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of Asia Pacific Studies Position Associate Professor |
Language | English |
Publication Date | 2021/03 |
Type | Research paper |
Peer Review | Peer reviewed |
Title | Analysis of Indirect Socioeconomic Impacts on East Asia by Recovering Fukushima Forest Watershed Quality |
Contribution Type | Corresponding |
Journal | Japanese Journal of Agricultural Ecnomics |
Journal Type | Japan |
Publisher | The Agricultural Economics Society of Japan |
Volume, Issue, Page | 23,pp.131-136 |
Total page number | 6 |
Author and coauthor | ◎Koichi Yamaura and Shin Sakaue |
Details | The objective of this study is to assess the regional indirect effects of recovering water quality in the Fukushima forest watersheds after the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima disaster. The primary outcomes of the simulated EMEDA results are as follows. First, the tertiary sectors receive many benefits through domestic transactions after recovering the water quality in Fukushima forest watersheds. Second, the Japanese grains and crops sector enjoys approximately four times more than the rice sector that directly receives benefits by water recovery while it suffers some damages in East Asian countries. |