GOMEZ Oscar A.
Department Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of Asia Pacific Studies Position Associate Professor |
Language | English |
Publication Date | 2013/03 |
Type | Research paper (Academic/Professional Journal) |
Peer Review | Peer reviewed |
Title | Justice and Security through the Looking Glass of Catastrophe—Borders, Overlaps, Challenges |
Contribution Type | Single Work |
Journal | Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture |
Volume, Issue, Page | 24(4),pp.87-102 |
Details | This paper explores the interface between pursuits of security and justice using for contrast some of the situations triggered by March 11 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. It starts by advancing a very rough description of the justice and security interface that is then used heuristically to analyze different approaches to the emergency. The analysis results in mainly three situations in which borders and overlaps are the more evident, namely: demanding information, assessing reaction and resetting standards. The presentation suggests the necessity to re-open a space for an understanding of security different from justice, based on the temporality of emergency and the unintended consequences of framing catastrophe in terms of justice. |
ISSN | 0915-7816 |