マック リンジー
  MACK Lindsay
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学  言語教育センター
   職種   准教授
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2016/02
形態種別 論文(学術誌・プロフェショナル誌)
査読 査読あり
標題 Narrative Reflection on an Advanced English Course in Japan
執筆形態 単著
掲載誌名 The Asian EFL Journal
巻・号・頁 90(60),pp.87-106
概要 In this paper, the author’s main objective is to model how one can employ three curriculum
models, curriculum as product, process and praxis, to critically analyze one’s curriculum, in
her case, an Advanced English course, to discover if the course is in line with one’s
educational philosophical beliefs. She begins with a detailed theoretical background of the
three different curriculum models, curriculum as product, curriculum as process and
curriculum as praxis. Next, she critically analyzes her own curriculum, through a narrative
reflection, at the level of design and implementation to discover how her curriculum is
informed by these models. Through analysis, she discovers that although in some respects her
curriculum achieves the goals of a curriculum as praxis, it fails to achieve them in many other
respects and instead contains many elements that fall under curriculum as process and
curriculum as product.
ISSN 1738-1460
researchmap用URL http://asian-efl-journal.com/monthly-editions-new/volume-90-february-2016-teaching-article/index.htm