Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University  Center for Language Education
   Position   Professor
Language English
Publication Date 2019/07/15
Type Research paper (Academic/Professional Journal)
Peer Review Peer reviewed
Title Graded reader comprehension questions and item discrimination analysis.
Contribution Type Joint Work
Journal ELT Journal
Journal TypeAnother Country
Publisher Oxford University Press
Volume, Issue, Page 73(3),pp.265-274
Total page number 9
Responsible for Frameworks for data analysis and hermeneutics of reading, data coding system
Author and coauthor Ramonda, K. and Sevigny, P.
Details Although the benefits of extensive reading are well known, very little research has investigated the validity of assessment tools to measure general comprehension of graded readers. To address this, quizzes were authored for 42 level 2 Penguin graded readers and administered to 166 students over a semester. Item facility for high-scorers and low-scorers was calculated for the 168 question items from the 42 graded readers, and the resulting item discrimination (ID) score was used to categorize and group quiz items with shared structural and content-based features. The results showed that certain question types tend to be more effective for measuring comprehension of graded readers than others.
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