YAMAGATA Tatsufumi
   Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University  College of Asia Pacific Studies
   Position   Professor
Language Japanese
Publication Date 2024/07/31
Type Research paper
Invitation Invited paper
Title (Special Lecture) Why Does Japan's National-Interests-Accentuated 'Development Cooperation Charter' Appears to Be Justified: Explanations with the White Man's Burden Claim, Median Voter Theorem and the Tinbergen Rule
Contribution Type Single Work
Journal Journal of Agricultural Development Studies
Journal TypeJapan
Publisher The Japanese Society of Regional and Agricultural Development
Volume, Issue, Page pp.1-9
Authorship Lead author,Last author,Corresponding author
Author and coauthor Tatsufumi Yamagata
Details This article is edited from this author's special lecture delivered at the Fall Conference 2023 of the Japanese Society of Regional and Agricultural Development. Japan's Development Cooperation Charter was formulated in 2015 as the successor of the Official Development Assistance Charter. The new charter emphasizes Japan's national interests as an aim of Japan's Development Cooperation. In this lecture, in what logics this feature is accommodated by some Japanese with three viewpoints. They are the White Man's Burden claim, Median Voter Theorem and Tinbergen Rule. The win-win argument, which forms a basis of the national-interests-featured charter, is a key concept of the analysis.
ISSN 09189432
URL for researchmap http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/033672354