ジョーンズ トマス
  JONES Thomas E.
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学  サステイナビリティ観光学部
   職種   教授
期間 2017/11
活動形態 学術貢献活動
タイトル Panel session & Workshop at APU Conference(国内)
種別 対話型集会・市民会議
概要 The workshop brought together a panel with expertise across both applied and academic fields. First, the members discussed their current book project, working through an Overview; Table of contents; and brainstorming possible criteria for comparative research. This was followed by a keynote by Dr. Akihiro KOBAYASHI (Senshu University) on “Japan’s National Parks” followed by a reciprocal keynote by Dr. Chieh-Lu LI (National Dong Hwa University) on “Taiwan’s National Parks.”