ブイ タン フォン
  BUI Thanh Huong
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学  サステイナビリティ観光学部
   職種   教授
期間 2017/04~2018/01
活動形態 学術貢献活動
タイトル Oregon-Vietnam – Japan (OVJ) Academic Research Exchange and Collaboration(国内)
種別 対話型集会・市民会議
概要 From 2017, I have coordinate a project funded by Japan Foundation (New York office) to initiate collaboration of universities in USA, Japan and Vietnam for capacity development for Vietnamese faculty teaching and research on Japanese studies. With APU team and the team of University of Oregon, we travelled to Ho Chi Minh University of Education. In this trip we learnt about current system of Japanese studies in Vietnam, coaching the Vietnamese faculty in curriculum development, textbook selection. Given the large number of Vietnamese students in APS, this help to develop in-depth understanding of Japanese studies teaching in Vietnam