ヨシダ カオリ
吉田 香織 所属 立命館アジア太平洋大学 アジア太平洋学部 職種 教授 |
期間 | 2007/09~2007/09 |
活動形態 | 学術貢献活動 |
タイトル | Manga Culture in Japan: Takemiya Keiko Festival(国外) |
種別 | 対話型集会・市民会議 |
概要 | The Center of Japanese Research at University of British Columbia held a series of events to commemorate its 15th anniversary, to celebrate accomplishments over the past 15 years, and to look forward the future in mapping out the trajectory of research on Japan. Among them was 2 days public lecture by internationally famous manga argist Takemiya Keiko, followed by panel discussion by Professor Sharalyn Orbaugh (University of British Columbia), Professor Masami Toku (California State University), and editor Yukari Fujimoto (Chikuma shobo). |