YAMAGATA Tatsufumi
Department Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of Asia Pacific Studies Position Professor |
Period | 2023/04/24~2023/04/24 |
Activity form | Media Coverage |
Title | Problems in Draft "Development Cooperation Charter 2023" (in Japanese) |
Category | Newspaper or magazine |
Event,Program, Title | Asahi Shimbun Digital - with Planet |
Role | Contribution |
Sponser,Organizer, Publisher | Asahi Shimbun |
Place | Asahi Shimbun Digital - with Planet |
Audience | General,Civic organization,Governmental agency,Media |
Details | Japan's principle on international cooperation, i.e. Development Cooperation Charter, is now under review for revision within 2023. A draft of a new charter was published on April 5 to call for comments on this by the public. Asahi Shimbun Digital asked Prof. Yamagata to write a review article on the draft. This is the compilation of the review article in Japanese. |
URL for researchmap | https://www.asahi.com/withplanet/stg/article/2023042401.html |