ブイ タン フォン
  BUI Thanh Huong
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学  サステイナビリティ観光学部
   職種   教授
項目区分 その他教育活動上特記すべき事項
期間 2018/04~2018/07
事項 Research and education exchange between APU and the University of Oregon
概要 With funding from Japan Foundation for the Oregon – Vietnam – Japan Collaboration and Exchange Project , I invited Prof. Alisa Freedman of the University of Oregon to come and participate in research and teaching activities at APU twice a year (Jan. 2018 and Dec. 2019). She organised a series of workshops on Japanese studies with professor Yoshida and co-organised a panel on Japanese studies at AP conference 2019. The collaboration with the university of Oregon has been fruitfully resulted in student exchange agreement between the two universities being processed. Prof. Freedman involvement in research and education activities of APU has greatly benefited both APU faculty and students.