ブイ タン フォン
  BUI Thanh Huong
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学  サステイナビリティ観光学部
   職種   教授
項目区分 教育方法の実践例
期間 2015/04~2016/01
事項 Blended learning: Theoretical and practical perspectives
概要 Tourism and hospitality are highly practical subjects. Therefore , linkages between theories in lectures to practices in the industry is necessary. For advanced subjects (3rd year) such as Resort Management and the Travel Industry , I requested students to investigate real businesses in hotel and travel industry and propose development plan for the business in the future. Realistic projects helped students to learn about local businesses , major problems and possible solutions. This approach has been well-perceived by students. “Thank you so much for good lectures. Really learn a lot from the class (Student of The Travel Industry) ‘Specific content made we closer to be professional” (Student of the Travel Industry)