ブイ タン フォン
  BUI Thanh Huong
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学  サステイナビリティ観光学部
   職種   教授
項目区分 作成した教科書、教材
期間 2016/04
事項 Develop a collection of teaching manuals
概要 1. Compilation of UNESCO manuals for teaching I have collected various UNESCO project manuals for tourism resources management course. More than 20 training manuals of UNESCO projects have been used for training in class. 2. Develop cases Through four years of teaching, I have developed a rich collection of case studies in relation to Japanese tourism and hospitality industry. Each subject contains at least ten cases, making a total of 50 cases for five subjects. 3. Video collection For Workshop 1 I have collect and develop a dataset of relevant videos for writing skills development For content subjects, I also develop a range of training videos in which students identify problems and provide solutions for problems mentioned in the videos. Short videos with clear message to be used in each lecture are helpful to identify issues in respective lectures, but also stimulate student learning and retain their interest in learning.