ブイ タン フォン
  BUI Thanh Huong
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学  サステイナビリティ観光学部
   職種   教授
項目区分 その他教育活動上特記すべき事項
期間 2020/01/25~2020/01/26
事項 Organised Joint Seminar Research Symposium for undergraduate students
概要 The joint seminar symposium has been organised among four univerisies: APU, Wakayama University, Yamaguchi University and Ryukyu University. The semianr attracted more than 40 students with 15 presentations and 7 professors from four universities across Japan. The symposium offered APU students opportunities to interact and learn from domestic and professors of domestic Japanese Universities. It also contributes to international exchange between APU and other universities, as students can present, question and answer in English. The location of Beppu is also an ideal place for student fieldwork in relation to tourism and hospitality.