パティスン スティーブン
  PATTISON Steven C.
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学  言語教育センター
   職種   教授
項目区分 教育方法の実践例
期間 2017/02/01
事項 Practice Materials for the Progress Test
概要 The university will be using the Progress Test from AY2017. In readiness for this and to prepare the students for the kind of questions they will face on the test , I worked with a small group of teachers to create materials related to the topics covered in two English courses (Elementary and Pre-Intermediate). These materials included picture prompts , dictation exercises , short reading activities , and writing prompts. These will be delivered to students in an online format so that students can practice easily using their PC or smartphone. The purpose is to help to develop the students' English , reinforce the English taught in their courses , and also to prepare them for the test.