Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University  College of International Management
   Position   Associate Professor
Date 2019/12/12
Title 2016.12 – 2019. 12 Every December, held in Tokyo e.g. 2019: International and domestic real assets: infrastructure, real estate, energy and regional investment opportunity. 2018: The search for yield: what is the impact of the increasing activity by Japanese regional banks?
Conference 2016.12 – 2019. 12 SuperReturn Japan  e.g.:2018「The search for yield: what is the impact of the increasing activity by Japanese regional banks?」、2019「International and domestic real assets: infrastructure, real estate, energy and regional investment opportunity」  (every December, held in Tokyo)
Conference Type International
Lecture Type Panelist
Contribution Type Collaborative
Invited Invited
Audience Practitioner(Graduate Student,Undergraduate Student,Educator,Guardian,Researcher,The General Public,Academic Society,Business Enterprise,Community-based Organization,Government Agency,Media)