Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University  College of International Management
   Position   Associate Professor
Date 2020/09/23
Title 2020.9: Change of Capital Markets. 2019: Japan: time to take a closer look? 2018: Cross boarder Investments、2012.9-2020.9
Conference 2020.9 SuperReturn Asia (Every September:English, held in Hong Kong). e.g.:2020「Change of Capital Markets」, 2019「Japan: time to take a closer look?」, 2018「Cross boarder Investments」 2012.9-2020.9
Conference Type International
Lecture Type Panelist
Contribution Type Collaborative
Invited Invited
Audience Practitioner(Graduate Student,Undergraduate Student,Educator,Guardian,Researcher,The General Public,Academic Society,Business Enterprise,Community-based Organization,Government Agency,Other)