YAMAGATA Tatsufumi
   Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University  College of Asia Pacific Studies
   Position   Professor
Date 2022/01/26
Title Conclusion of the Book: International Development Cooperation of Japan and South Korea
Conference Book Launch Seminar: International Development Cooperation of Japan and South Korea
Promoters Global Development Institute for Public Affairs, Seoul National University
Location Seoul (online)
Conference Type International
Lecture Type Lecturer
Contribution Type Collaborative
Invited Invited
Audience Researcher/Educator(Graduate Student,Undergraduate Student,Educator,Researcher,Academic Society,Community-based Organization)
Publisher and common publisher Tatsufumi Yamagata and Hisahiro Kondoh
URL for researchmap https://en.snu.ac.kr/snunow/events?md=v&bbsidx=135065