    (最終更新日:2024-02-01 20:56:09)
  チヨウ エイヒン
  ZHANG Wei-Bin.
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学 国際経営学部
   職種   教授
■ 学歴
1. Peking University Geography 卒業
■ 職歴
1. 2000/05 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Collage of Asia Pacific Management Professor
2. 1996/05~1996/06 The Hong Kong University of Technology Hong Kong. Transportation Economic Research Associate
3. 1996/04~2000/03 Institute of Non-equilibrium Dynamics Beijing Normal University Beijing. CHINA. Nonlinear Economic Professor(in duty)
4. 1995/11~1995/12 Tottori University Department of Social Systems Eng. Nonlinear Theory Visiting Associated Professor
5. 1995/07~1998/11 The Swedish Institute for Future Studies Stockholm. Economic Dynamics Associate Professor
■ メッセージ
■ 現在の専門分野
理論経済学, 金融、ファイナンス, 中国哲学、印度哲学、仏教学 (キーワード:an integrated economic theory; synthesis of the Walrasian general and neoclassical growth theories; distribution and values of land; distribution and values of gold; money) 
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 2024/02/01 著書  Trust and Justice: Complexity of Man, Complexity of Society, and Complexity Theory.  1,pp.1-189 (単著) 
2. 2023/07/01 著書  Complexity Theory and Uncertainties: Interdependence Between Man, Society, and the Environment.  1,pp.1-125 (単著) 
3. 2023/05/01 著書  Chaos, Complexity, and Nonlinear Economic Theory  1,pp.1-235 (単著) 
4. 2022/02/01 論文  Stackelberg-Nash Equilibrium and Perfect Competition in the Solow-Uzawa Growth Model. Lecturas de Economía 96(96),pp.315-343 (単著) 
5. 2021/12/20 論文  An Integration of Neoclassical Growth Theory and Economic Structural Change with Monopolistic Competition Theory. Business and Economic Research 11(2),pp.145-164 (単著) 
■ 所属学会
1. 2010/06 Journal of Financial Economic Policy
2. 2010/06 ∟ Editorial advisory board member
3. 2013/05 Studies in Business and Economics
4. 2013/05 ∟ Editorial advisory board member
5. 2011/02 Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination
■ 学会発表
1. 2022/12/13 Complexity Theory and the General Economic Theory – Economic Growth, Education, and Health.(The Fifth International Conference on Social Science Public Health, and Education)
2. 2022/11/16 Complexity Theory and the General Economic Theory: Creativity, Self-Destruction, and Emergence of Structures(2022 International Virtual Conference on Innovation, Artificial intelligence, Technology, and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, Keynote Speaker Session H1)
3. 2022/10/14 Complexity Theory, the General Economic Theory, and Social, Economic, and Environmental Sustainability.(14th SCF International Conference on “Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences”, Economic. Social, and Environmental Sustainability in the Post Covid^19 World,)
4. 2022/06/29 Complexity Theory and the General Economic Theory: Order, Chaos, and Structural Changes.(The 10th Euro-Asian Symposium on Economic Theory (EASET-2022) “Viability of Economic Theories: Through Order and Chaos,)
5. 2022/05/05 Complexity Theory, the General Economic Theory, and Future(FoF 2022: International Scientific Conference Foundations of Future)
■ 研究課題・受託研究・科研費
1.   general economic theory  (キーワード:general economic theory)
2.   城市進化と知識  (キーワード:城市,知識,)
3. 2017  経済成長・人的資本・環境変化・資源利用の相互作用に関する研究 科学研究費助成事業 
4. 2016  経済成長・人的資本・環境変化・資源利用の相互作用に関する研究 科学研究費助成事業 
5. 2015  経済成長・人的資本・環境変化・資源利用の相互作用に関する研究 科学研究費助成事業 
■ 受賞学術賞
1. 2016/07 Ristumeikan Asia Pacific University Award for Outstanding Service in the Field of Research AY2014
2. 2015/07 Ristumeikan Asia Pacific University Award for Outstanding Service in the Field of Research AY2014
3. 2014/07 Ristumeikan Asia Pacific University Award for Outstanding Service in the Field of Research AY2013
4. 2013/07 Ristumeikan Asia Pacific University Award for Outstanding Service in the Field of Research AY2012
5. 2012/07 Ristumeikan Asia Pacific University Award for Outstanding Service in the Field of Research AY2011
■ 教育上の能力
1. 2016/04/01 I tried to use more examples to explain economic theories. I also showed students how to understand economic systems as an whole with my own grand economic theory
1. 2016/04/01 I make careful choice of the textbooks according to APU students' quality. The choice is made with taking account of balancing concepts, theories, and examples from reality.
■ 社会における活動
1. 2016/04~2017/03 start researching on government debts and economic development(国内)
■ 委員会・協会等
1. involved with 11 international academic journals editorial board members
2. 2020/06/20~ Science Academique Editorial board Link
3. 2017~ Recent Journal of Economics and Finance board members Link
4. 2015~ UTMS Journal of Economics board members Link
5. 2014~ Applied Finance and Accounting board members Link
■ ホームページ
■ 科研費研究者番号
■ researchmap研究者コード