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2023/12/04 |
Enhancing Data Collection Efficiency through Multithreaded Web Scraping Approach(International Conference On DATA SCIENCE AND EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES (DaSET) 2023)
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2023/11/08 |
An Effective Technique for Collecting Multi-languages Hotel Reviews: A Case Study of 5 Stars Hotels in Bali Island(International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA) 2023)
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2020/11/14 |
Development and Evaluation of Online Teaching Contents for Practice-based Courses-Problems and Solution Attempts-(18th Asia Pacific Conference 2020)
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2020/05/16 |
Current Challenges in Information Security Risk Management(IKA-ITS Online Seminar Series)
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2020/04/05 |
Challenges of Online Education during COVID-19 Pandemic(IABIE Online Seminar Series)
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2019/06/20 |
日本におけるハラール対応の現状と課題(公開シンポジウム 「今、フードビジネス業界に求められているグローバル化 ~イスラム教徒のための“ハラール対応”のあり方とは」)
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2018/03/04 |
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2017/11/07 |
ムスリムから求められているハラール対応とは何か? ~ハラール食品取組事例と課題~(ビジネスセミナー)
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2017/02/26 |
イスラム文化の理解 ~なぜ日本でハラール文化が流行っているのか~(豊後大野市2016年度国際交流講演会)
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2016/11/28 |
ハラール食と日本の牛肉に求められているもの ~京都に期待されるハラール対応~(公開講座、ミートカレッジギューテロワール、きたやま南山京都)
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2016/11/06 |
Assessing the Impact of E-learning on Student Satisfaction: A Case Study of ICT Course at APU(14th Asia Pacific Conference)
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2016/07/07 |
Evaluating a Multimedia e-Learning System for CAD Drawing Course(The 10th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2016))
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2015/10/07 |
巨大ハラール市場の可能性を探る ~大分県におけるハラール食品開発の現状と課題~(ムスリム研究センター(RCMA)第1回特別講座)
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2015/10/06 |
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2013/07/05 |
Analyzing Text-Based User Feedback in e-Government Services Using Topic Models(The Seventh International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems)
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2012/07/04 |
Assessing the Impact of E-Government on Users: A Case Study of Indonesia(The Sixth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems)
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2011/06 |
Evaluating User Expectancy and Satisfaction of e-Government Portals(The Fifth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems)
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2010/12 |
Development and Issues of Islamic banking in Indonesia: A Study on Customer’s Preferences(Symposium on Islamic Banking)
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2010/03/19 |
Differences and Similarities in Consumers Attitude towards Islamic Banking in South East Asia Countries(International Symposium on Islamic Banking in South-East Asia,)
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2010/03 |
E-Governmnet websites Evaluation using Correspondence Analysis(The 4th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems)
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2009/12/12 |
A Kanji Learning System Based-on Flash Animation(2009 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific Conference " Reflections on the Asia Pacific- Past, Present and Future)
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2009/12/12 |
Prospects and Challenges of e-Government in Indonesia: A User Centric Evaluation(2009 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific Conference " Reflections on the Asia Pacific- Past, Present and Future")
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2009/12/04 |
Issues in Syariah Banking in Indonesia: Statistical Evaluation of Customers' Preferences and Behavior(Symposium on Values and Attitutes in Islamic Finance and Banking, Wakayama University)
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2009/12 |
A Kanji Learning System Based-on Flash Animation(2009 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific Conference " Reflections on the Asia Pacific- Past, Present and Future)
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2009/12 |
Issues in Syariah Banking in Indonesia: Statistical Evaluation of Customers' Preferences and Behavior(Symposium on Values and Attitudes in Islamic Finance and Banking)
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2009/12 |
Prospects and Challenges of e-Government in Indonesia: A User Centric Evaluation(2009 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific Conference " Reflections on the Asia Pacific- Past, Present and Future)
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2009/03 |
Evaluating Websites services with a political-Economic Approach(IEEE Computer Society, The 3rd International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems)
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2008/12/19 |
Characteristics of User's Preference in e-Government Services: A Case Study in Indonesia(2008 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific Conference " The Asia Pacific and the Emerging World System")
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2008/12 |
Characteristics of User's Preference in e-Government Services: A Case Study in Indonesia(2008 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific Conference " The Asia Pacific and the Emerging World System")
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2008/10 |
An Evaluation of Information Quality of e-Government in Indonesia(Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on e-Government, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia)
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1999/10 |
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1998/10 |
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1997/09 |