1. |
2024/12/08 |
Rebuilding the kingdom: Jordan in the 1990-1991 Gulf crisis and its consequences(15th Conference of the Asian Federation of Middle East Studies Associations)
2. |
2024/11/08 |
External Crisis’s Impact on the Regime Reconfiguration: Jordan under 1990-91 Gulf Crisis(中華民國國際関係学會2024 年國際關係年會)
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2023/06/01 |
“Structures and networks of political corruption in Jordan: privatisation, new elite networks and constitutional reform as corruption-enhancing factors”(25th Annual Mediterranean Studies Association International Congress)
4. |
2022/10/29 |
Undermining the power of parliament and the people in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan? A new constitutional amendment plan and its political impact(日本国際政治学会2022年度研究大会)
5. |
2022/05/05 |
“Japan’s humanitarian aid toward Jordan and the transformation of aid identities and practices in the new security challenges”(OBIC Conference 2022)
6. |
2020/10/15 |
Regime Security in Jordan revisited: the new challenges to the monarchy’s resilience after the Arab Spring(Middle East Studies Association 54th Annual Meeting)
7. |
2020/09/11 |
The multi-layered struggle over Islamism during the Arab Spring: An analysis of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan(4th Annual International Conference on Social Sciences (AICSS))
8. |
2021/01/20 |
Positing the new Japanese security policies in the Middle East and North Africa: The case of the second Abe administration (2012 – 2020)(RCAPS current research seminar)
9. |
2019/10/04 |
“Islamic democracy vs. regime security: a case from the Muslim Brotherhood in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan”(2019 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy)
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2019/06/18 |
“Purged Islamists and Dysfunctional Humanitarian Intervention over the Arab Authoritarianism: The Case of the Muslim Brotherhood Movements in the 2010s”(CEEISA-ISA Belgrade 2019)
11. |
2017/07/07 |
“Re-formation of the Anti-Islamist Security Alliance in the Middle East: The Post-Arab Spring-Egypt’s Foreign Policy Strategy and Its Dynamics”(ISA-GSCIS Workshop 2017, Havana)
12. |
2014/11/14 |
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2014/06/18 |
“Re-Configured Islamist Geopolitics after the Arab Spring: Emergence of new Islamic Community in Muslim Brotherhood’s International Nexus”(ISA PDG-Collegium Civitas Joint Eurasia Conference)
14. |
2014/02/26 |
“Environmental and Security Issues of the Jordan River Basin”(NTU-APU Joint Workshop “Conflicts over Fresh Water”)
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2014/02/16 |
16. |
2013/07/27 |
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2013/06/28 |
Islamism in Democratizing States: Comparative Studies on the Muslim Brotherhood Movements in Egypt, Syria and Jordan after the 2011 Arab Spring(PSS-ISA Joint International Conference 2013, Budapest)
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2012/07/11 |
19. |
2011/07/02 |
20. |
2011/05/22 |
Jordan in International Relations: Security, Economy, and State Interests(27th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association for Middle East Studies)
21. |
2011/03/17 |
Teaching International Politics in Multinational Classroom: Popular Films as Pedagogical Aid(International Studies Association Conference, Montreal 2011)
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2011/03/02 |
23. |
2010/07/23 |
“Who is Jordanian? National Unity and Diversity of Identities Among the Elites”(The World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES) 2010)
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2010/02 |
25. |
2010/01 |
「カタルの民主化とは何か ハマド首長体制の完成と今後の展望」(NIHU「イスラーム地域研究」民主化班(東京大学))
26. |
2009/12 |
The Differing Rhythms of Identity: the Islamic Action Front Party (IAF) in Jordanian Politics(NEW HORIZONS IN ISLAMIC AREA STUDIES Second International Conference: Identities, Coexistence and Globalization)
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2008/07 |
28. |
2008/07/03 |
「イスラーム運動 概況と展望」(立命館大学「国際社会で活躍する人材養成特別プログラム」事前講義)
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2007/02/02 |
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2005/05 |
31. |
2015/01/10 |
His Majesty’s Armed Forces――Reassessment of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan’s Military Capabilities before/after the Arab Spring(ISA-GSCIS Singapore 2015)
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2016/06/23 |
“A New Authoritarian Alliance over the Muslim Brotherhood? Egypt’s anti-Islamist Foreign Policy and Re-formation of the Arab Security Alliance”(CSSISA-ISA Joint Conference 2016, Ljubljana)
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2017/01/07 |
34. |
2017/06/17 |
「ヨルダンにおける 『アラブの春 』民主化運動とその帰結:ムスリ同胞団事例から 」(日本比較政治学会第20回大会 分科会A「社会運動の政治的帰結」)
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2018/01/10 |
On His Majesty’s Armed Forces―Reassessment of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan’s Military Capabilities before/after the Arab Spring(Eurasian Studies Quarterly special issue on post-ISIS Middle East: research workshop)
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2018/05/10 |
“(When) Samurai Meets Monsters: The Role of Ayakashi in Budō Tales”(Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication - approaches in research and teaching -)
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2018/07/18 |
The Diversity of Japan's Overseas Development Assistance to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: A Case Study of the Role of Security(The Fifth World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES))
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2019/01/12 |
「ヨルダン—ハーシム家レジームの清算と継承」(「『アラブの心臓』に何が起こったのか 現代中東の実像を捉える」)