1. |
2024/02/10 |
2. |
2024/02/09 |
Female Body in Modern MedicineFemale Body in Traditional Society: Female Genital Cutting in Southeast Asia(Ways forward towards the Abandonment of FGM/C)
3. |
2023/12/02 |
Female Body in Modern Medicine, Female Body in Traditional Society: Female Genital Cutting in Southeast Asia(Asia Pacific Conference)
4. |
2023/07/15 |
5. |
2022/12/03 |
Unrecognized practice or invented tradition? Female Genital Cutting in Southeast Asia(Asia Pacific Conference)
6. |
2022/07/03 |
Reclaiming the Body: The experience of “mark” and the traumatic memory of female genital mutilation/cutting(The Asian Studies Conference Japan)
7. |
2021/12/04 |
Formation of the ‘Trans’ Discourse in Malaysia(19th Asia Pacific Conference)
8. |
2020/11/17 |
The Medicalization of Female Genital Cutting in Malaysia: Its Meaning toward the Medical Discourse on the Female Body”(18th Asia Pacific Conference,)
9. |
2019/11/30 |
Cultural Meanings of the Female Body in Malaysia(17th Asia Pacific Studies Conference)
10. |
2019/07/21 |
11. |
2019/07/02 |
Anatomical Gaze, Lack of Integrity, Bodily Inscription: Representations on “Female Genital Mutilation” in Malaysia(AAS in Asia)
12. |
2018/12/01 |
“The Practices of “Female Genital Mutilation” in Southeast Asia: Relativizing the Africa- Centric Discourses”(16th Asia Pacific Conference)
13. |
2018/10/29 |
14. |
2018/10/27 |
15. |
2017/11/12 |
Female Body and Sexuality in Postcolonial Malaysia: People's View toward "Female Genital Mutilation" in Malaysia(15th Asia Pacific Conference)
16. |
2016/11/12 |
Female Body and Sexuality in Postcolonial Malaysia: People's Views toward "Female Genital Mutilation" in Malaysia(Asia Pacific Conference 2017)
17. |
2016/11/05 |
Changing Views Toward Female Body in Modernization and Globalization: A Case of the Practice of "FGM" in Northern Malaysia Based on Interviews to Midwives(Asia Pacific Conference 2016)
18. |
2016/05/11 |
国民化とセクシュアリティ:マレーシアにおける「女性器切除」(同志社大学 グローバル・スタディーズ研究科 冨山一郎研究室「火曜会」)
19. |
2015/11/08 |
マレーシアにおけるセクシュアリティと身体の政治 女性器切除FGMの現状(13th Asia Pacific Conference Societal Transformation in Asia Pacific: Charting the Waves of Change)
20. |
2014/10/25 |
21. |
2011/11/27 |
Otherness in the National Canon: (De)constructing the Father of Malay Language(The 2nd IAAPS Annual Conference)
22. |
2010/06/06 |
23. |
2010/05/30 |
24. |
2010/04/17 |
25. |
2010/03/24 |
「特殊講義 東南アジア研究入門:思想と文化からみる」(「特殊講義 東南アジア研究入門 3年間の歩み:多学部・多教員・多文化の試み」)
26. |
2009/07/18 |
27. |
2008/06/27 |
28. |
2007/08/04 |
技術的合理性と「南方」開発(5th International Convention of Asia Scholars)
29. |
2006/11/23 |
“Colonial Knowledge and Technology in the Newly Independent Nation State: An Account of the University of Malaya"(The 19th International Conference of International Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA))
30. |
2006/11/18 |
“Perfecting the Mechanism of Inventing Traditions: Service and Community Management of Global "Theatre Hotel"(2006 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific Conference, Global Movements in the Asia Pacific)
31. |
2006/08/10 |
“University as an Institution of Colonial Knowledge: The University of Malaya and the Socio-Economic Development of Malaya"(The 5th International Malaysian Studies Conference,)
32. |
2006/07/26 |
“Aman Resorts: Tourism and the Representation of Southeast Asian Communities(RCAPS Seminar)
33. |
2005/12/17 |
34. |
2005/07/23 |
35. |
2004/12/11 |
36. |
2004/12/07 |
“The Formation of National Identity in Negotiation”(The18th Conference of International Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA))
37. |
2004/10/26 |
38. |
2004/08/03 |
“`Plural Society' Reconsidered: The Formation of National Identity and the Knowledge of Social Sciences in Malaysia"(The 4th International Malaysian Studies Conference)
39. |
2003/12/14 |
40. |
2003/10/05 |
41. |
2003/08/20 |
“`Area Studies' and National Identity: Reconsidering the Concept of "Plural Society" in Malaysian Studies"(The 3rd International Convention of Asia Scholars)
42. |
2002/03/12 |
“A German Philosopher's View of Japan: The `Rational’ Understanding of `Irrationality’ in Nihon no Kyujutsu"(An ATMA-Goethe University Colloquium on German-speaking Scholarship and the Malay World: Exploring an Empirical Tradition)
43. |
2001/11/17 |
44. |
2001/11/04 |
“Reading Against Masculinity: The Contact Zone in the 19th Century Dictionary Compilation"(International Symposium on Malaysian Masculinities)
45. |
2000/07/29 |
“The Colonial Look in the Papers on Malay Subjects"(The16th Conference of International Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA))