    (最終更新日:2024-11-13 13:38:36)
  アスガリ ベルズ   ASGARI Behrooz
  アスガリ ベルズ
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学 国際経営学部
   職種   教授
■ 学歴
1. 1998/10~2002/09 PhD, Industrial Engineering and Management
2. 1996/10~1998/09 東京工業大学 Graduate School, Division of Industrial Technology Industrial Engineering and Management 卒業 修士
3. 1990 Sharif University of Technology Industrial Engineering 卒業
■ メッセージ
■ 現在の専門分野
経営工学 (キーワード:経営工学、システム工学、技術経営、技術経済、) 
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 2024 論文  Efficiency analysis of manufacturing industries in Singapore using the DEA-Malmquist productivity index Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 8(10),pp.1-19 (共著) 
2. 2023 論文  Does FinTech penetration drive financial development? Evidence from panel analysis of emerging and developing economies Borsa Istanbul Review 23(5),pp.1078-1097 (共著) 
3. 1995/12 著書  Operations Research Application in Production Planning and Inventory Management II (in Persian) Static Models   (単著) 
4. 1995/12 著書  Operations Research Application in Production Planning and Inventory Management II (in Persian) Static Models   (単著) 
5. 1994/10 著書  Operations Research Application in Production Planning and Inventory Management I (in Persian)   (単著) 
■ 学会発表
1. 2022/06/29 Endogenous Technical Change and Learning Effects on Electricity Consumption Trend in Japanese Manufacturing Industries(WEAI 97th annual conference) Link
2. 2021/06/07 Empirical Investigation of Energy Poverty In Japan – A Categorical Comparison of Households(Energy, COVID, and Climate Change 1st IAEE Online Conference) Link
3. 2020/11/14 How mathematical modeling can help us understand pandemics such as the Corona virus("Achievement Item" in the Faculty Database)
4. 2018/02/25 Learning Rates as a Measure of Technological Advancement and Accumulated Experience(International conference on natural resources management in developing countries)
■ 研究課題・受託研究・科研費
1.   Economics of Technological Change, Management of Technology, Innovation Theory, Diffusion of Innovations, Systems and Industrial Engineering  (キーワード:経営工学、技術経済、技術経営)