    (最終更新日:2023-06-06 18:54:39)
  ウ゛ァファダーリ カゼム
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学 サステイナビリティ観光学部
   職種   教授
■ 学歴
1. 立命館アジア太平洋大学 博士課程修了
■ メッセージ
■ 研究内容
■ 現在の専門分野
ランドスケープ科学, 環境農学, 文化人類学、民俗学, 人文地理学 
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 2022/11/20 論文  Women in community-involved tourism enterprises: Experiences in the Philippines Asia Pacific Viewpoint  (共著)  Link
2. 2022/08/30 論文  Exploring the relationship between Women’s Participation, Empowerment, and Community Development in Tourism: A Literature Review International Marketing Journal of Culture and Tourism pp.39-68 (共著)  Link
3. 2021/08/25 論文  Gaps between International Tourists' Attitudes and Behaviours towards Japanese Heritage Tourism and Government Policymakers' Views -Opportunities for Tourism Innovation Post COVID-19 ournal of Science: Economics and Business 1(2),pp.25-42 (共著)  Link
4. 2020/11 著書  Community Engagement in Japanese Geoparks, in "The Geotourism Industry in the 21st Century: The Origin, Principles, and Futuristic Approach" chapter 14 : Community Engagement in Japanese Geoparks chapter 14,pp.357-374 (共著)  Link
5. 2020/05/06 論文  Comparing cultural world heritage sites and globally important agricultural heritage systems and their potential for tourism Journal of Heritage Tourism  (共著)  Link
■ 所属学会
1. 2019/12~ 日本観光研究学会 Link
2. 2018/11~2021/11 UNWTO.QUEST program
3. 2013/09 Associate Editor, International Journal of Ecology and Conservation
4. 2013/08 European Association for Japanese Studies
5. 2011/10 United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization FAO
■ 学会発表
1. 2020/11/04 Road-mapping Training/Education for Boots on Tourism Grounds(BREAKING OLD BARRIERS FOR A NEW WORLD Mobilizing Tourism Intelligence to Survive) Link
2. 2020/10/23 Forgotten Heritage of the Road: Agriculture Heritage, Sustaining Life and Civilization in Iran(International Conference on Heritage Conservation along the Belt and Road Zones: Between Politics and Professionalism) Link
3. 2020/08/15 Small business recovery amid covid-19, Lessons from the Caribbean(tourismwebinar) Link
4. 2020/06/19 Actions of Small Destinations to Restore Tourism, Lessons from Beppu, Japan Link
5. 2019/07/05 Implementing the Global Code of Ethics in Higher Education, Challenges, and Opportunities(the 8th Japan Society for Tourism Studies Conferenc) Link
■ 研究課題・受託研究・科研費
1.   GIAHS and Toruism  (キーワード:Agricultural Heritage, agritourism, rural development, conservation, traditional knowledge and biodiversity)
2.   Satoyama Tourism  (キーワード:Rural Tourism, revitalization, natural resources, depolulation)
3. 2009  Satoumi Tourism  (キーワード:Coastal Tourism, marine resources , coastal communities and resource management)
■ 受賞学術賞
1. 2009/11 KAKEN / Research Project Number:08F08840
2. 2008/11 JSPS-UNU Post Doctoral fellowship
■ 資格・免許
1. 2002/09/01 Internal Auditor ISO standard system (Quality Service)
2. 2000/09/01 Technical Manger for Travel Agency
■ 教育上の能力
1. 2012/11 Instructor Manual National Certificate I-II & Diploma in Tour Guiding
2. 2012/11 Student Handbook National certificate I-II & diploma in tour guiding
1. 2019/04 starting CBL course in 2019 / Community Based Learning
■ 社会における活動
1. 2020/11~2020/11 Road-mapping Training/Education for Boots on Tourism Grounds Link
2. 2019/10~2019/10 The Future of Tourism Education Link
3. 2019/01 Future Tourism Leaders Workshop “Community development and revitalization through tourism(国内)
4. 2018/04~2019/04 Academic Director of Kunisaki City GIAHS research center: working with Kunisaki city in community development(国内)
5. 2018/04~2019/04 Health tourism : training Yubu high School students (Tourism Course ) for product development(国内)
■ 委員会・協会等
1. food and agriculture group co- chair Ramsar convention
2. international partnership on "Globally Important Agricultural heritage Systems" (GIAHS ) member of scientific committee
3. Kunisaki city world agriculture heritage research center Academic Director
4. Oita prefecture for GIAHS affairs Advisor
5. UNWTO.QUEST certification Program Advisory Board ( academia)