(最終更新日:2024-12-16 15:00:01)
■ 学歴
■ 職歴
■ 画像登録
■ 現在の専門分野
自然共生システム (キーワード:Inclusive Environmental Citizenship Education, Education for Sustainability (EfS), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), Circular bioeconomy, ecosystem services, organic agriculture, regenerative agriculture, Community-based environmental actions)
■ 学内役職・委員
立命館アジア太平洋大学 APU学生部副部長
立命館アジア太平洋大学 APU教務主任
立命館アジア太平洋大学 APU副学部長
■ 著書・論文歴
■ 所属学会
■ 学会発表
1. |
2023/12/01 |
Designing an Inclusive Pedagogy for Environmental Citizenship Education: Results from a Learning Analysis at an International University in Japan(AP Conference 2023)
2. |
2022/03/10 |
Towards a Pedagogy for Inclusive Environmental Citizenship Education: a Preliminary Learning Analysis for Undergraduate Education at an International University in Japan(iREEC 2022: 2nd International Conference of International Researchers of the Education for Environmental Citizenship 2022)
3. |
2021/12/04 |
Sustainability Practices: A Case Study in Developing an Inclusive Pedagogy for Environmental Citizenship Education at a Japanese International University(Asia Pacific Conference)
4. |
2021/12/04 |
Fostering the inclusive leadership of students through multicultural groupwork(Asia Pacific Conference)
5. |
2019/10/26 |
Practicing and Experiencing Satoyama; Case study of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) and Local Environmental Protection Club, Beppu, Japan(The 7th Higashida Conference, Kitakyushu, Japan)
■ 研究課題・受託研究・科研費
■ 受賞学術賞
1. |
2017/10 |
Outstanding University Service Award, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, 2016
2. |
2016/07 |
Teaching Excellence Award, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, 2015
3. |
2015/09 |
Outstanding University Service Award, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, 2014
4. |
2013/06 |
Teaching Excellence Award, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, 2013
5. |
2012/06 |
Teaching Excellence Award, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, 2012
■ 資格・免許
■ 教育上の能力
■ 委員会・協会等
■ ホームページ