    (最終更新日:2024-04-26 09:19:56)
  アルカンタラ ライラーニ ライネサ   ALCANTARA Lailani Laynesa
  ALCANTARA Lailani L.
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学 国際経営学部
   職種   教授
■ 学歴
1. 2004/04~2007/03 筑波大学 Graduate School of Social Systems and Information Engineering Management 博士課程修了 経営学博士
2. 2002/04~2004/03 筑波大学 Graduate School of Social Systems and Engineering MBA 修士課程修了 経営学修士
3. 1998/04~2002/03 筑波大学 Third Cluster of College of International Studies 開発学 卒業
■ 職歴
1. 2019/04~ Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Professor
2. 2019/06~ Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Center for Inclusive Leadership Director Link
3. 2018/08~2019/03 Cornell University Visiting Scholar
4. 2013/04 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Associate Professor
5. 2010/04~2013/03 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Assistant Professor
■ 現在の専門分野
経営学 (キーワード:innovation, diffusion, international expansion, legitimacy, social capital, competition) 
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 2023/06/06 論文  A heuristic perspective on factors that drive governments' approval of genetically modified crop commercialization Business and Society Review 128(2),pp.305-329 (共著) 
2. 2022/10/25 著書  Conforming while being distinct: The impact of social identity on perceived inclusion and business opportunity identification of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in Japan  pp.81-99 (共著)  Link
3. 2022/10/25 著書  Diversity and Inclusion in Japan: Issues in Business and Higher Education   (共著)  Link
4. 2022/10/25 著書  Diversity and inclusion orientation in Japanese companies: Does industry make a difference?  pp.40-60 (共著)  Link
5. 2022/10/25 著書  Introduction: Enriching our discourse on diversity and inclusion in Japan  pp.1-12 (共著)  Link
■ 所属学会
1. 2017/10 Strategic Management Society
2. 2017/04 Academy of Management
3. 2017/04~2018/03 Academy of International Business
4. 2011/11~2012 Japanese Association of Administrative Science
5. 2011/11~2014/11 International Association for Asia Pacific Studies
■ 学会発表
1. 2024/04/24 Navigating Diversity and Inclusion in Japan: Implications for Business and Leadership(EoM-Hanyang Next Impact Forum)
2. 2024/02/21 Building Resilient Business Models(AACSB Deans Conference 2024)
3. 2023/08 Falling from Grace: Slow-fast Stereotyping and Ethical Scandals in the Fashion Industry(84th Annual Conference of the Academy of Management) Link
4. 2023/03/06 Book Break : “Diversity and Inclusion in Japan: Issues in Business and Higher Education”(Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan) Link
5. 2023/02/10 Creating Allyship for Authentic DEIB(Deans Conference) Link
■ 講師・講演
1. 2023/01/23 Qualitative Research Journey(University of South-Eastern Norway)
2. 2021/11/23 Diversity and Inclusion Paving the Way for the Future of Japan Link
3. 2019/12/01 What is Inclusive Leadership and Why it Matters?
■ 研究課題・受託研究・科研費
1. 2019/04~2022/03  二元的ネットワーク構造の循環によるパフォーマンス・モデルの提唱と実証 科学研究費助成事業 (キーワード:ダイナミクス, 組織学習, ネットワーク, イノベーション)
2. 2016/04~2019/03  Unfolding the contested process of innovation diffusion 科学研究費助成事業 (キーワード:innovation, contestation, diffusion, adoption, legitimacy)
3. 2016/04~2019/03  グローバル・ニッチトップ(GNT)企業の企業横断的育成モデルの構築に関する研究 科学研究費助成事業 (キーワード:マーケティング, イノベーション・マーケティング, 経営学, イノベーション)
4. 2016/04~2019/03  企業成長を促進する共進化メカニズムの解明:レッド・クィーン理論の拡張を通じて 科学研究費助成事業 (キーワード:認知的アプローチ, 傾注, レッドクィーン理論, 共進化, 価値創造, 認知, 社会的インターアクション, 競争, 経営組織, 経営学, インターアクション)
5. 2013/04~2016/03  GNT企業の成長メカニズム分析にもとづくGNT企業育成の制度構築に関する研究 科学研究費助成事業 (キーワード:国際比較, 国際経営, マーケティング, グローバル・ニッチ, 経営学, イノベーション)
■ 受賞学術賞
1. 2017/11 Best Paper Award Nomination by the Strategic Management Society
2. 2017/11 Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing awarded by Elsevier
3. 2014/03 Highly Commended Paper, Emerald
4. 2008/06 Palgrave-MacMillan/AJBS Best Paper Award Finalist
5. 2006/11 奨励研究賞
■ 資格・免許
1. 2019/09/20 Diversity and Inclusion for HR, Cornell University
2. 2018/09/01 Mindset Certified Trainer
3. 2018 Creative Thinking, Harvard University
4. 2018 Managing Oneself and Leading Others, Harvard University
5. 2015 Harvard Case Method Teaching
■ 教育上の能力
1. 2013/03 Branding in the Cut Flower Industry: Suntory’s APPLAUSE and Moondust
2. 2013/03 Marketing and Management Examples: Abico Group, Ability, and Environmental Technology Service
3. 2015/02 The Buy-One-Give-One Model of Social Entrepreneurship: The Case of Table for Two
4. 2014/12 Principles of Marketing16th edition
1. 2017/02 Review of a textbook published by Pearson
■ 社会における活動
1. 2020/01 Science Council of Japan Workshop: To wear different hats in Japan
2. 2014/03~2014/03 Highly Commended Paper Award, Emerald(国内)
3. 2014/03~2014/03 Lecture on Retailing/Entrepreneurship in Japan at University of North Carolina at Greensboro(国外)
4. 2006/11~2006/11 Young Scholar Award(国内)