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2024/05/08 |
High-Frequency Vocabulary: Moving from Recognition to Recall Level on Quizlet(Asia Pacific Language Journal)
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2020/11/22 |
Assurance of Learning for a Vocabulary Program(JALT 2020)
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2020/11/21 |
Enhancing NGSL Recall Through Blended Learning(JALT 2020)
4. |
2020/11/21 |
Evaluating Online Vocabulary Tools(JALT 2020)
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2020/06/07 |
Evaluating Online Vocabulary Tools(JALT CALL 2020)
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2018/12/01 |
Using international student TAs in structured out-of-class interventions(Asia Pacific Conference 2018)
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2018/11/24 |
Diversity misconceptions in the English classroom(JALT National)
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2018/02 |
Two Worlds: Japanese and American Identities(Two Worlds: Japanese and American Identities)
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2017/11 |
Learning opportunities among expert/novice pairs(JALT International Conference 2017)
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2017/11 |
Multicultural Learning in the Center for Language Education(Asia Pacific University International Conference)
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2017/04 |
Theme: Mixed heritage university students in Japan: Narratives on language, culture, and identity.(Japan Association for Language Teaching: Oita Chapter.)
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2016/11 |
Theme: Content and language integrated learning panel discussion.(Asia Pacific University International Conference)
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2014/11 |
Vocabulary: Defining curricular boundaries(JALT 2014)
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2011/12 |
The generative silence: A narrative of language learning.(Teach Me How to Language: A Graduate Student Symposium)