    (Last updated : 2023-01-02 11:58:09)
  SUDO Tomonori
   Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of Sustainability and Tourism
   Position   Professor
■ Education
1. 2004/10~2008/03 〔Doctorial Course〕, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University, Completed, Ph.D
2. 2002/09~2003/09 〔Master Course〕 MSc in Environmental and Resource Economics, Graduate School, Division of Economics, University College London, Completed, MSc in Environmental and Resource Economics
3. 1985/04~1990/03 Division of Economic, Faculty of Economics, Osaka University, Graduated, BA in Economics
■ Academic and professional experience
1. 2018/10~ Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of Asia Pacific Studies Professor
2. 2015/10~2018/09 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of Asia Pacific Studies Associate Professor
3. 2015/10~2017/03 JICA Research Institute (JICA-RI) Visiting Scholar
4. 2015/10~2016/03 Aoyama Gakuin University Graduate School of International Politics, Economics and Communication Part-time Lecturer
5. 2015/04~ Korea Environment Institute Visiting Research Fellow
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■ Message
Message to undergraduate students: Your experience, knowledge and friends obtained in your school life could be your valuable assets for your life. Enjoy your college life! Message to graduate school students: Post graduate study could be your foundation of your life as researcher. Enjoy your study at this school! 
■ Current specialized field
Environmental Policy, Environmental and Resource Economics, International Development Policy, Development Economics, Development Finance Theory, Environmental Finance, International Cooperation Theory, Environmental impact assessment (Key Word:Climate Policy, Climate Finance, Environmental & Resource Policy, Environmental Finance, Environmental Market Creation, Emission Trading Scheme, Development Policy, Development Finance, Official Development Assistance (ODA), Development Cooperation, Public-Private Partnership (PPP)) 
■ Books and theses
1. 2021/12 Article Paradigm shift of global niche top companies in the international market  pp.27-40 (Collaboration) 
2. 2019/12/27 Article Financing Adaptation Roadmap Towards a Resilient ASEAN Volume 2: Advancing Disaster Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation pp.137-173 (Single)  Link
3. 2019/12/27 Article Guidelines for Policy and Decision Makers and Other Key Players on Adaptation Roadmaps Towards a Resilient ASEAN Volume 2: Advancing Disaster Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation pp.288-305 (Collaboration)  Link
4. 2019/12/23 Article Adaptive Solutions: What is the Role of Financial Institutions and Insurance Industry? Towards a Resilient ASEAN Volume 1: Disasters, Climate Change, and Food Security pp.231-269 (Single)  Link
5. 2018/03/29 Article Economics, finance, and the private sector Climate Change and Cities: Second Assessment Report of the Urban Climate Change Research Network pp.225-253 (Collaboration)  Link
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■ Academic or professional association memberships
1. 2022/08~ The Japan Society for Local Empowerment Link
2. 2021/01~ Association for Policy Informatics(API) Link
3. 2007/10~ Japan Society of Monetary Economics (JSME) Link
4. 2003/09~ The Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (SEEPS) Link
5. 2003/01~ Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) Link
■ Conference presentations
1. 2020/04/30 COVID-19 responses: What role for environment and climate action in development co-operation? (COVID 19 : What does it mean for development co-operation on environment and climate action?)
2. 2019/07/06 Japanese Public-Private Funds Put to Effective Use in Climate Mitigation Projects: The Case of JBICs GREEN and JICA (ISA Asia Pacific Conference) Link
3. 2019/06/24 Accessing Grren Cllimate Fund (GCF) (Expert Consultation Meeting on Climate Finance)
4. 2018/03/26 Financing Adaptation Roadmap (Technical workshop on Evaluating the Distributional Impacts of Disasters and Climate Change and Development of Adaptation Road Maps)
5. 2017/07 Adaptive Solutions: - What is the role of financial institutions and insurance industry? (Technical Workshop on Distributional Effects of Disasters and Climate Change on Food Security in ASEAN)
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■ Works
1. 2019/09/10 Accessing Green Climate Fund (Bangkok, Thailand)
2. 2019/07/28 Issues of Africa in view of student from Africa and cooperation opportunity with private sector in Oita Pref. (Tokyo, JAPAN)
■ Research topic, funded research and KAKENHI
1. 2021/04~  3rd Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities (ARC3.3)  (Key Word : Climate Change, City, Development Finance,) Link
2. 2021/03~  Realizing Smart Cities  (Key Word : Smart cities,)
■ Qualification and licenses
1. 2017/01 Practitioner, Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (PIEMA)
2. 2003/06 Associate, Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (AIEMA)
■ Professional contribution to Society
1. 2019/02~2019/02 Attended to the Expert meeting on ESD at Universities in Kyushu & Okinawa Region
2. 2016/12~2016/12 Speaker at the 9th Annual Meeting of The Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC), Beijing
3. 2016/11~2016/11 <Special Seminar on Development Studies> Towards a new era of development – Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and JICA’s cooperation
4. 2016/11~2016/11 Attendance to the International Workshop Meeting of Low Carbon Technology Project, UNU-IAS
5. 2016/10~2016/10 Attendance to the Advidory Committee Meeting of Low Carbon Technology Project, UNU-IAS
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■ Committee and society
1. 2021~ OECD/DAC Network on Environment and Development Cooperation Network (ENVIRONET) Vice Chair
2. 2014~2015 The Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance Lab Advisor
3. 2009~2015 OECD/DAC Network on Environment and Development Cooperation Network (ENVIRONET) Bureau
4. 2007~ OECD DAC/EPOC Joint Task team on Climate Change adaptation and Development Cooperation Member
5. 2007~ OECD/DAC Network on Environment and Development Cooperation Network (ENVIRONET) Member
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■ External Researcher ID