    (最終更新日:2025-02-17 21:26:21)
  ホ スンフン エミリア
  HEO Seunghoon Emilia
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学 アジア太平洋学部
   職種   准教授
■ 学歴
1. The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Geneva Switzerland Department of International History and Politics International Relations 博士課程修了 PhD
2. INALCO Paris France Department of International Studies International Expertise 修士課程修了 Master Degree
3. University of Paris VIII Institute of European Studies European Studies 修士課程修了 Master Degree
4. Seoul National University 卒業 Bachelor of Arts
■ 職歴
1. 2016~ Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University International Relations and Peace Studies Associate Professor
2. 2013~2016 Sophia University Global Studies Assistant Professor
3. 2012 Johns Hopkins University American Institute for Contemporary German Studies Research Fellow Link
4. 2010~2012 United Nations University with joint affiliation to the University of Tokyo International Peace and Security JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow Link
5. 2007~2008 George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs (Sigur Center for Asian Studies) Research Associate
■ メッセージ
誰にも生まれる場所を選ぶことはできない。自分の意見を作る前、誰かを判断する前、結論を出す前、他人の目で世界を見渡してみましょう。 そうすることで、 今まで理解出来なかった疑問への答えを見つけるかも知れない。 互いを隔てるギャップに橋を架けるためのステップを踏めるかも知れない。 
■ 研究内容
Peace Education and Reconciliation
The Clash of Conflict Narratives in Europe and Asia
■ 現在の専門分野
国際関係論, 政治学, 地域研究 (キーワード:International Reconciliation and Peace Studies, Aesthetic Approaches to Conflict Resolution, Collective Narratives, Identity and Memory Politics) 
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 2025 著書  "Teaching IR Theory as Foreigners in the Global North" in The Handbook on the Pedagogy of International Relations Theory  pp.137-147 (共著)  Link
2. 2024 論文  "국제정치학적 관점에서 바라본 화해의 의미" 인간과 평화 5(1),123-145頁 (単著)  Link
3. 2021 著書  "Through the Eyes of Others: Postwar Reconciliation Narrative in Contemporary Japan" in Identity, Culture and Memory in Japanese Foreign Policy  pp.147-165 (単著)  Link
4. 2021 論文  "When National Narratives Clash in Multinational University Classrooms: A Pedagogical Perspective" The Asia-Pacific Journal | Japan Focus [SCOPUS/Web of Science] 19(5),pp.1-21 (単著)  Link
5. 2018/08 論文  Comfortable Walls, Uncomfortable Peace Global Challenges (4) (単著)  Link
■ 所属学会
1. 2022/03~ Korea Arts Psycho Counseling Association
2. 2019/10~ International Studies Association
3. 2013/08~ Korean Political Science Association
■ 研究課題・受託研究・科研費
1. 2023~  Dealing with Conflict Narratives in Postwar Societies: A Comparative Study on British-German and Japanese-Korean Cases (APU Center for Inclusive Leadership, Japan) その他の補助金・助成金 
2. 2023~  History Reconciliation and International Cooperation (EUROCLIO - Northeast Asian History Foundation) 外部資金による研究 
3. 2021~2022  Inclusive Pedagogy in International Relations and Peace Studies (Salzburg Global Seminar - Korea Foundation, Austria) その他の補助金・助成金  Link
4. 2021~2023  Towards Inclusive Historical Narratives (APU Center for Inclusive Leadership, Japan) その他の補助金・助成金  Link
5. 2018~2020  Reconciliation Narratives in Contemporary Japan (Czech Science Foundation, Czech Republic) 外部資金による研究  Link
■ 受賞学術賞
1. 2023 Faculty Award (Teaching Field)
■ 資格・免許
1. 2022 Certificate in Art Psychotherapy
2. 2022 Certificate in Color Therapy
3. 2013 JLPT N1
4. 1999 DALF
5. 1999 Teacher's License in French Language Education
■ 教育上の能力
1. 2016~2019 Reconciliation Pedagogies in International Relations (IR) Classes Link
■ 社会における活動
1. 2017/05 The Presence of the Past: Selective National Narratives and International Encounters in University Classrooms Link
2. 2015/08 Achieving True Reconciliation Link
3. 2015/07 Choosing Ways of Remembering: Comparing Student Narratives about World War II in Japan and Germany Link
4. 2011/03 Courage and Love in the Midst of 3.11 Earthquake (in Korean) Link
■ 委員会・協会等
1. 2021 Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation (EUROCLIO) Academic Committee Member Link
2. 2021 The Salzburg Global Seminar SGS-KF Fellow Link
■ ホームページ