    (最終更新日:2024-10-18 06:29:34)
  サイトウ ヒロアキ   SAITO Hiroaki
  齊藤 広晃
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学 国際経営学部
   職種   准教授
■ 学歴
1. 2012/04~2016/06 The University of Queensland UQ Business School Hospitality Management and Service Management 博士課程修了 Ph.D.
2. 2010/02~2011/12 The University of Queensland School of Tourism Master of International Hotel and Tourism Management 修士課程修了 Master of International Hotel and Tourism Management
■ 職歴
1. * 助教
2. 2016/02~2016/09 The University of Queensland Sessional Lecturer
3. 2012/03~2016/09 The University of Queensland Casual Academic
■ メッセージ
■ 現在の専門分野
Hospitality Management, Organisational Psychology & Behaviour, Diversity & Inclusion Management, Service Management (キーワード:Hospitality Management, Organisational Psychology & Behaviour, Employee well-being, Diversity & Inclusion Management, Service Management) 
■ 学内役職・委員
1. 2019/04/01~2020/03/31  立命館アジア太平洋大学 APU学生主任
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 2025 論文  Well-being of hospitality employees: A systematic literature review International Journal of Hospitality Management 124,pp.103955 (共著)  Link
2. 2024 論文  Fostering employee well-being and workplace recovery in the hospitality industry: The role of supportive break times at work Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 61,pp.91-100 (共著)  Link
3. 2024 論文  Conversational AI chatbots as counselors for hospitality employees International Journal of Hospitality Management 122,pp.103861 (共著)  Link
4. 2024 論文  Inflated Positivity: The Influence of the Two-Way Review System on Consumer Ratings in the Sharing Economy International Journal of Hospitality Management 121 (共著)  Link
5. 2024 論文  Vietnam tourism at the crossroads of socialism and market economy Tourism Review 79(7),pp.1301-1317 (共著)  Link
■ 所属学会
1. 2024/08~ Asia-Pacific Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education Link
2. 2024/08~ ∟ Director at Large
3. 2018/03~ Asia-Pacific Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education Link
4. 2018/04~ ∟ Board member - Country representative for Japan
5. 2014/02~ The Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE)
■ 学会発表
1. 2024/05/25 Cutting down plate waste: How descriptive norms and mascot-enhanced flyers influence hotel guest behaviours?(22nd APacCHRIE Conference)
2. 2023/06 Resource management for post-disaster tourism(Australia-Japan joint symposium: Tourism and disaster resilience)
3. 2023/02/01 Multicultural team and inclusion in education(Inclusive Leadership Symposium 2023)
4. 2022/12/03 Hospitality employees’ recovery at work: The role of breaktime in employee well-being(20th Asia Pacific conference)
5. 2022/12/03 The perceptions and attitudes of Japanese traveller’s pro-environmental behaviour during their hotel stay(20th Asia Pacific conference)
■ 講師・講演
1. 2021/03/07 The Impact of COVID-19 on Hospitality and Tourism Education
■ 研究課題・受託研究・科研費
1. 2022/04~2027/03  From Crisis to Resilience: The social & ecological systems (SES) approach to tourism recovery in East Asia 科学研究費助成事業 
2. 2020/04~2025/03  The role of staff breakrooms in employees' psychophysiological recovery, well-being, and performance 科学研究費助成事業 
3. 2020/10~2025/03  Inducing pro-environmental behavior in tourists for the sustainable development of Japan's tourism and hospitality industries 科学研究費助成事業 
4. 2021/06~2023/03  Factors contributing to the social inclusion of foreign employees into the workplace: The case of the hotel industry in Japan その他の補助金・助成金 
5. 2018~2019  Pilot Study about the adaptation of business models to the automation of service in the context of hospitality sector in Japan. 外部資金による研究 
■ 受賞学術賞
1. 2023/07 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University – Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Research for AY2022
2. 2019/09 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University – Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Teaching for AY2018
3. 2018/10 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University – Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Research for AY2017
4. 2018/02 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 2017 Best Paper Award
5. 2012/04 University of Queensland International Scholarship
■ 教育上の能力
1. 2018/04~2018/07 Multicultural Collaborative Learning - Service Management (E)
2. 2017/04/01~2018/03/31 Faculty Development Program: Minnesota Teaching Effectiveness Training
1. 2018/08/29 Guest Speaker at University of Skovde, Sweden
2. 2018/07/17 Class observation by request (President)- Service Management
3. 2018/06/19 Class observation by request (JICA and Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology)- Service Management
■ 社会における活動
1. 2018/11~ Guest Speaker at University of Skovde, Sweden
2. 2018/06 Guest Editor for The Routledge Handbook of Consumer Behaviour in Hospitality and Tourism(国内)
3. 2018/04 Asia Pacific CHRIE Board Member - Country Representative for Japan(国内)
4. 2018/04~2019/02 Collaborative student assignment with the local companies(国内)
5. 2018/02 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management Best Paper Award 2017(国外)