    (最終更新日:2024-05-17 10:01:36)
  サン イヤン
  SUN Yiyang
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学 サステイナビリティ観光学部
   職種   准教授
■ 学歴
1. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Hotel and Tourism Management Hospitality & Tourism ICT 博士課程修了 PhD
2. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Hotel and Tourism Management 修士課程修了 MSc with Credit
3. Northwood University Department of Hospitality Management Hotel, Restaurant, & Resort Management 卒業 BA with Distinction
■ メッセージ
< 学部生へのメッセージ >
Work hard and meet your better self.

< 大学院生へのメッセージ >
Advance knowledge, give back to society, and push human civilization forward.
■ 研究内容
I am currently researching about mobile payment revolution, its application and its development in hospitality and tourism within the Asia Pacific Region.
■ 現在の専門分野
Information network, Web informatics, Serviceinformatics, Management, Commerce (キーワード:Consumer behavior, hotel reservation, mobile payment, hospitality, tourism)  Link
■ 著書・論文歴
1. その他  How to transform and upgrade hotels in Japan to JP Hotel+ in the post-COVID-19 age?   (共著) 
2. 2024/03/03 論文  Symbolic interactionism: Exploring the experience of traditional costume in a destination.  pp.NA (共著)  Link
3. 2024/01/19 論文  Tourists’ Perception of Health Tourism Before and After COVID-19.  pp.NA (共著)  Link
4. 2023/01 論文  The Influence of Time Orientation on Infection Risk Evaluation: Moderating Role of Public Health Crisis.  pp.NA (共著)  Link
5. 2022/12 論文  A Case Study in Hong Kong - Developing Qualification Framework for Hotel Frontline Staff.  pp.NA (共著)  Link
■ 学会発表
1. 2022/02 Evaluation of Robot Application in Hospitality(ICHICD 2022: 16. International Conference on Hospitality Industry and Customer Demands.)
2. 2020/10 Understand the consumer behaviour of hotel robot use(APacCHRIE 2020 [online])
3. 2020/01 Electronic Distribution Channels of Airline Ticket(Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2020)
4. 2017/04 How does Mobile Technology Achieve Value Co-creation in Tourism?(2017 International Symposium on Business and Management)
5. 2017/01 Channels for Searching Hotel and Travel Information(Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2017)
■ 研究課題・受託研究・科研費
1. 2021/04~2025/03  How to transform and upgrade hotels in Japan to JP Hotel+ in the post-COVID-19 age? 科学研究費助成事業 (キーワード:Hotels, Japan, JP Hotel+ , post-COVID-19)
■ 受賞学術賞
1. 2024/04 Top Cited Article 2023: SUNNY SUN whose paper has been recognized as a top cited paper* in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM RESEARCH
■ 資格・免許
1. 2017/06/15 Certified Hospitality Educator
■ ホームページ
   Google Scholar Statistics
■ 科研費研究者番号
■ 外部研究者ID
orcID 0000-0002-4508-854X