    (最終更新日:2022-10-17 15:19:30)
  ジョーンズ ケント
  JONES Kent
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学 言語教育センター
   職種   特任講師
■ 学歴
1. 2010/09~2014/03 The University of Toronto Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Second Language Education 修士課程修了 Master of Arts Link
■ 職歴
1. 2019/04~2020/03 関西学院大学 理工学部 IEFL Link
2. 2014/10~2019/03 立命館アジア太平洋大学 言語教育センター 嘱託講師
■ メッセージ
I have been teaching English at the post secondary level for almost 10 years. I have published articles on a number of topics, including student and teacher attitudes to written feedback, collaborative writing, and using screencasts to create flipped classroom environments. Despite my past interest in writing, I am presently working on a project to help students develop speaking fluency and accuracy by encouraging automaticity of grammatical forms through speaking drills.
■ 現在の専門分野
English Language Writing (キーワード:English language writing) 
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 2019/03/01 論文  Minding the gap between Japanese students’ expected and actual English use APU Journal of Language Research 4 (単著)  Link
2. 2019/03/01 論文  Teacher and student perspectives on written feedback. Diversity and inclusion  (共著)  Link
3. 2019/03/01 論文  Using screencasts to teach outside of the classroom JALT PanSIG Journal 2018  (単著)  Link
4. 2018/03/01 論文  Making academic writing interactive PanSIG 2017  (単著)  Link
5. 2017/12/01 論文  Teacher beliefs and practices about administering feedback on student writing APU Journal of Language Research 3 (共著)  Link
■ メールアドレス