1. |
2020/03 |
An Analysis on the Medial and Final Vowel Epenthesis in English Loanwords in Korean Language(The Asian Conference in Language (ACL))
2. |
2020/03 |
The Filipino Assistant Language Teachers as a Factor in the Internationalization of Japan(Asian Conference on Education & International Development)
3. |
2019/03/26 |
Production Activities and Classroom Management(2019 Interac West Japan ALTs Initial Training)
4. |
2019/03 |
Introducing and Teaching the Target Language(2019 Interac West Japan ALTs Initial Training)
5. |
2019/01/21 |
Training on Creating Effective Worksheets(Fukuoka Prefecture and Oita Prefecture Assistant Language Teachers On-Going Training)
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2019/01/15 |
Effective Contents for Worksheets(Saga Prefecture and Nagasaki Prefecture Assistant Language Teachers On-going Training)
7. |
2018/07 |
Inter-cultural Learning(Saga Prefecture and Nagasaki Prefecture ALTs` Training Workshop)
8. |
2018/05/31 |
Skill-up Training for Junior High School ALTs(2018 On-Going Training for Kitakyushu Assistant Language Teachers)
9. |
2018/05/23 |
Reading Techniques and Methodologies(Saga Prefecture and Nagasaki Prefecture ALTs On-going Training)
10. |
2018/04/27 |
An Analysis on the Medial and Final Vowel Epenthesis in English Loanwords in Korean Language(The International Academic Forum)
11. |
2018/03/20 |
Lesson Planning and Textbook Reading(2018 Interac - West Japan ALT`s Initial Training)
12. |
2017/12/20 |
Effective Communication in the Classroom(Fukuoka Native Teachers`/Speakers’ Training)
13. |
2017/12/03 |
Effective Communication in the Classroom(Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT) Hiroshima Conference)
14. |
2017/11/08 |
Effective Communication in the Classroom(Interac North Kyushu Teachers` Training)
15. |
2017/09/20 |
The Use of Communication Cycle Model in the Classroom(Saga City Teachers` Training)