    (最終更新日:2020-09-28 14:54:00)
  ヘレーラ ガーリー アン   HERRERA Girlie Ann R.
  HERRERA Girlie Ann
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学 言語教育センター
   職種   嘱託講師
■ 学歴
1. ~2011/10 Philippine Normal University College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature Linguistics 修士課程修了 Master of Arts in Linguistics
2. ~2020/09 Columbia University Center for Teaching and Learning Inclusive Teaching
3. 1996/06~2000/03 Philippine Normal University College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature AB/BSE English 卒業
■ 職歴
1. 2018/04~2019/03 Interac Co., Ltd. Head Teacher/Trainer
2. 2013/06~2018/03 Interac Co., Ltd. Assistant Language Teacher
3. 2012/06~2013/05 University of the Philippines - Los Banos, Course Coordinator
4. 2010/06~2013/05 University of the Philippines - Los Banos, Department of Humanities, Assistant Professor 1
5. 2010/01~2010/05 St. Paul University - Manila, Language Development Center, Lecturer
■ 現在の専門分野
言語学, 教育学, 外国語教育 (キーワード:Phonetics, Second Language Acquisition, Phonology, English Education) 
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 論文  Medial and Final Vowel Epenthesis in English Loanwords in Korean Language   (単著) 
2. 著書  Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Enrichment for International Graduate Students   (単著) 
3. 著書  National Secondary Assessment Test (NSAT - Philippines) English Reviewer   (共著) 
4. 論文  A Comparative Study on the English Proficiency of AB/BSE and BSE English Majors of the Philippine Normal University   (単著) 
■ 所属学会
1. JALT- Oita
2. Linguistic Society of the Philippines
■ 学会発表
1. 2020/03 An Analysis on the Medial and Final Vowel Epenthesis in English Loanwords in Korean Language(The Asian Conference in Language (ACL))
2. 2020/03 The Filipino Assistant Language Teachers as a Factor in the Internationalization of Japan(Asian Conference on Education & International Development)
3. 2019/03/26 Production Activities and Classroom Management(2019 Interac West Japan ALTs Initial Training)
4. 2019/03 Introducing and Teaching the Target Language(2019 Interac West Japan ALTs Initial Training)
5. 2019/01/21 Training on Creating Effective Worksheets(Fukuoka Prefecture and Oita Prefecture Assistant Language Teachers On-Going Training)
■ 資格・免許
1. 2009/04 TEFL/TESOL Teacher
2. 2000/11/27 Licensed Professional Teacher