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2019/10/26 |
Designing a COIL Course: An Attempt to Bridge the Digital Divide to Optimize Student Learning and Understanding(International Virtual Exchange Conference 2019)
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2019/08/27 |
EMI (English as Medium of Instruction) Training for COIL(国際教育夏季研究大会2019)
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2019/08/06 |
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2018/03/17 |
Assessing the Assessment Methods for COIL Projects: Kansai University Case(SUNY COIL Conference 2018)
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2017/12/02 |
Flipgrid for a Lively and Engaging Asynchronous Communication for COIL Projects(第3回KU-COIL ワークショップ・国際 シンポジウム)
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2017/09/10 |
Employabilityに繋がる短期研修の実践および研修期間前・中・後の COILの活用事例の考察(グローバル人材育成教育学会第5回全国大会)
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2017/05/21 |
COIL for Promoting EFL Learner’s Intercultural Competence: Reflections on the Use of Facebook as a Communication Platform(JALT PanSIG Conference 2017)
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2016/12/11 |
バーチャルな国際交流から始まるグローバル人材育成教育:国内で海外 大学とつながる新しい授業実践の形(グローバル人材育成教育学会第4回全国大会)
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2016/04/26 |
Instructional Designer’s Perspectives and Conversation on Making COIL Work(10th SUNY COIL Conference)
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2016/04/26 |
Overcoming the Language Barrier when Doing a COIL with Japan - Focusing on the Learners(10th SUNY COIL Conference)
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2015/12/05 |
ICT Literacy for COIL Course: Challenges in Using Technology in a COIL Class(Global Education Workshop and KU-COIL Conference)
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2015/11/14 |
国際教育を促進するICTツールの 有効性-オンライン国際交流学習 (COIL)における現場検証(グローバル人材育成教育学会第3回全国大会)
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2009/12/13 |
インドネシア語を母語とする日本 語学習者による日本語 の条件表現の習得(第二言語習得研究会第20回全国大会)