(Last updated : 2023-05-26 12:55:19)
■ Education
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〔Doctorial Course〕, Graduate School of Tourism, Completed, Ph.D. Tourism
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〔Master Course〕 Tourism and Hospitality Management, Tourism Department, Tshwane University of Technology, Completed, Master of Technology in Tourism and Hospitality Management
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Tourism, Tourism Management, Tshwane University of Technology, Graduated, Bachelor of Technology in Tourism Management
■ Academic and professional experience
■ Current specialized field
Tourism Studies (Key Word:Tourist behavior, Tourist perceptions, Destination image)
■ Books and theses
■ Academic or professional association memberships
■ Conference presentations
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2022/12/04 |
Image scaling for “unknown” tourist destinations: A geographical approach to latent variable modeling (Asia Pacific Conference 2022)
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2020/02/17 |
Comparing Kyoto and Wakayama resident sentiments towards mainland Chinese tourists (2nd International Conference of Critical Tourism Studies - Asia Pacific)
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2019/04/20 |
Effects of ethnocentrism on cognitive, affective, conative image (2nd Global Congress of Special Interest Tourism & Hospitality)
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2018/08/06 |
Birds of a feather: The moderating effects of cultural distance on ethnocentrism and destination image (7th Biennial International Tourism Studies Association)
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2018/07/15 |
Ethnocentrism and attitudes towards tourism destination choices: Empirical evidence from the GENE scale. (XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology)
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2017/06/18 |
Measuring cross-border ethnocentric tendencies towards the consumption of tourism experiences (23rd Asia Pacific Tourism Association)
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■ Awards and honors
■ E-Mail address
■ External Researcher ID
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