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2023/09/27 |
Family Business Innovation: From Past to Future Agenda(2023 Asia Pacific Family Business Symposium)
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2022/11/16 |
Family Firm Innovation: A Bibliometric Analysis(The 4TH INCOGITE and 2nd HOSPITOUR 2022: Regenerative Economy, Business and Tourism: Through Innovation and Sustainability)
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2022/09/28 |
Family Business Research Agenda in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond: A Bibliometric Analysis(Asia Pacific Family Business Symposium 2022)
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2022/05/11 |
Innovative Culture-Employee Engagement Relationship: Do Workplace Digitalisation and Group Diversity Matter?(International Conference on Innovation, Technology and Management (ITM): An Integrated Approach for Sustainable Future)
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2021/06/05 |
Linking Transformational Leadership and Workplace Digitalisation: The Roles of Innovative Culture and Rewards – Recognition(The 21th Conference on Interdisciplinary and Multifunctional Business Management)
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2021/06/05 |
Pathways to Corporate Entrepreneurship: Do HRM Practices and Organizational Learning Capability Matter?(The 21th Conference on Interdisciplinary and Multifunctional Business Management)
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2018/11/28 |
Workforce Renewal in an Era of Global Change(International Conference on Human Capital)
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2018/04/13 |
High Performance Work System, Corporate Entrepreneurship and Organisational Ambidexterity: What is the Relationship?(The 6th International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship)
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2017/11/16 |
Relationship between Leadership Styles, Employee Creativity and Organisational Innovation: A Proposed Framework(The Sixth International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management)
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2017/03/09 |
Justice-Citizenship Bond: Is Leader-Member Exchange a Missing Link?(The 3rd International Conference on Management Business and Economics)
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2016/04/27 |
Significance on Organisational Performance of Global MNCs: Management Development, Human Resource System, or Employee Engagement?(23rd International Academic Conference)
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2015/06/18 |
Relationship Between Organisational Justice and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour: Examining the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction(5th International Conference on Management - Management, leadership and strategy for SMEs’ competitiveness)
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2013/09/12 |
Human Capital Enhancing HR Practices and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role Organisational Learning Capability(11th EBES Conference)
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2012/07/03 |
Ethical Issues in the Use of Information and Communication Technology in Malaysian Primary Schools(The 2012 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2012))
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2012/07/03 |
Organisational Justice as a Determinant of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour(The 2012 International Conference on Business and Information BAI2012)
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2012/06/24 |
Ethical Issues in the Use of Information and Communication Technology in Malaysian Primary Schools(2012 IEEE Symposium on Humanities, Science and Engineering (SHUSER 2012))
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2012/03/19 |
Human Capital Development Trends in the MNCs in Japan: A Case Study Analysis(AUST’s 2nd Technosphere Conference in 2012 and AGBA’s 9th Annual World Congress)
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2012/03/19 |
Hybrid Strategy: A New Strategy for Competitive Advantage(AUST’s 2nd Technosphere Conference in 2012 and AGBA’s 9th Annual World Congress)
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2012/03/19 |
Relationships between HRM and Performance: OL Capability as Mediator(UST’s 2nd Technosphere Conference in 2012 and AGBA’s 9th Annual World Congress)
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2012/03/19 |
The Impact of Employee Satisfaction on Employee Intention to Leave: A Case Study Analysis(AUST’s 2nd Technosphere Conference in 2012 and AGBA’s 9th Annual World Congress)
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2011/10/14 |
Organisational Justice and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour: The Mediating Roles of Job Satisfaction and Leader-Member Exchange(9th AAM International Conference 2011)
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2011/09/15 |
Human Capital Development Trends in the MNCs in Japan: A Case Study Analysis(AGBA 8th Annual World Congress)
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2011/09/15 |
Organisational Justice, Organisational Citizenship Behaviour and Job Satisfaction: What is the Relationship?(AGBA 8th Annual World Congress)
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2010/12/12 |
Promotion Trends in the MNCs in Malaysia: A Case Study Analysis(Asia Academy of Management 2010 Conference)
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2010/07/28 |
Human Capita Development Trends in the Multinational Companies in Malaysia: A Case Study Analysis(Regional Conference: Partnership between Community and Industry)
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2010/07/26 |
The Effect of Human Capital Development Interventions on Job Satisfaction(The 10th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations)
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2009/12/18 |
Managerial Perceptions of Procedural Justice in the Multinational Companies n Malaysia
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2008/10/29 |
Human Capital Development of Technical Workers: A Case Study Analysis of the Chemical Industry(The Asia Pacific Conference on Management of Technology and Technology Entrepreneurship 2008)
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2008/08/05 |
Integrating Global Recruitment Trends: The Effect on Employee Satisfaction(The 8th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations)
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2007/12/16 |
Enhancing Employee Satisfaction: An Analysis of Current Promotion Practices
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2007/08/07 |
Employee Satisfaction: The Impact of Benefit and Reward Policies(The 10th International Conference of the Society of Global Business and Economic Development)
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2007/07/24 |
Current Recruitment Trends in Malaysia: A Case Study Analysis(The 7th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations)
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2005/05/25 |
Implementing e-HCM: The Readiness of Manufacturing Companies in Malaysia(The Pan Pacific Conference XXII: The e-Global Age, New Economy, and China: A Close Up)
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2005/02/02 |
Trends in Human Resource Development in the MNCs in Malaysia: A Case Study Analysi(Seminar Kebangsaan Pembangunan Sumber Manusia 2005)
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2004/12/06 |
Enhancing Motivation of Shift Workers: A Case Study of A Multinational Company in Malaysia(The International Business Management Conference 2004)
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2004/11/20 |
Trends in Human Capital Development in the Corporate Sector: A Study of Two Chemical Companies(The 3rd Conference of the Academy of HRD)
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2004/07/06 |
The Adaptability of JHRM at the Malaysian Workplace(The International Conference on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in a Global Economy)
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2003/11/29 |
The Impact of Globalisation on Human Resource Development in Malaysia(The 2nd Conference of the Academy of HRD)
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2003/09/10 |
The Adoption of Japanese Style of Human Resource Management in the Small and Medium Size Manufacturing Companies in Malaysia(The 5th Asian Academy of Management Conference)
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2003/08/11 |
The Perception and Readiness of Employees’ Adaptability to Change: The Case of the Malaysian Financial Sector(The Third International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations)