    (Last updated : 2024-09-15 08:13:43)
  FUKUYAMA Kimihiro
   Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of International Management
   Position   Associate Professor
■ Education
1. 2009/09~2012/11 〔Master Course〕 Master of Business Administration, Graduate School of Business Administration, The University of Hong Kong, Completed, Master of Business Administration with Distinction
2. 1990/04~1994/03 Economic theory, Faculty of Economics, Keio University, Graduated, Bachelor of Arts in Economics
■ Academic and professional experience
1. 2007/01~2023/09 Development Bank of Japan Chairman of the Board & CEO, Greater China Business, Head of other organization
2. 1999/10~2006/12 Japan Bank for International Cooperation Jakarta Representative Office, Public relations office, Development projects evaluation office, etc. Jakarta Representative, Deputy Director, etc.
3. 1994/04~1999/09 The Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund, Japan (Oct. 1999, merged into Japan Bank for International Cooperation) Asian Development Bank, Guanghua School of Management, Peking Univ., National Taiwan Normal Univ., South East Asia Dept., Research Institute of Development Assistance, Policy and Coordination Dept. Deputy Director, etc.
■ Current specialized field
Blockchain, Web3.0, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Greater China Business, General Management/Family Business Management/Competitive Strategy/Coaching, International Logistics, Supply Chain Management, NFT, Security Token, Metaverse, Quantum Computing, Securitization, Crypto Assets, Central Bank Digital Currencies, International Settlements, Sanctions, Anti-money Laundering, International Taxation, IFRS, Private Equity/Venture/Cross border/International Investment, International Organizations, International Trade, Incoterms (Key Word:(日)中国台湾香港マカオビジネス、大中華圏ビジネス、ブロックチェーン、Web3.0, 非代替性トークン、暗号資産、中央銀行デジタル通貨、メタバース、人工知能(AI)、ファミリービジネス、競争戦略、コーチング、国際物流、国際決済、送金、制裁、国際投資、プライベートエクイティ、ベンチャーキャピタル、国際機関、国際貿易、国際税務、サプライチェーンマネジメント、量子計算(中)中国台湾香港澳门业务、 私募股权投资,创业投资,跨境投资,区块链、NFT、Security Token, 虚拟资产、中央银行数字货币、汇款、元宇宙、Web3.0、人工智能、家族企业、竞争战略、管理层辅导、国际物流、供应链管理、国际投资、国际组织、国际贸易, IFRS, 国际税务,国际贸易术语解释通则(Incoterms)、量子计算) 
■ Books and theses
1. 2024/07/24 Article RCEP fostering development in Southeast Asia China Daily International Vol.44(No.13788),pp.9-9 (Single)  Link
2. 2024/03/25 Article Cooperation the way forward for Japan, China China Daily International Vol.28(No.8387),pp.9-9 (Single)  Link
■ Academic or professional association memberships
1. 2024/01~ Association for Policy Informatics
2. 2023/10~ The Japan Academy of Family Business Link
3. 2022/07~ Japan Logistics Society Link
■ Works
1. 2023/09/22 Blockchain and Future Logistics
2. 2023/09/12 Global Innovation Opportunities on the Web 3.0 Industry Development
3. 2023/06/29 How to utilize AI
4. 2023/02/21 Blockchain technology application for transportation, logistics, real estate, foods & beverages, and customer relationships.
5. 2022/05/25 How investable are the technological innovations for net-zero?
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■ Research topic, funded research and KAKENHI
1. 2024/07~2025/03  Research regarding the globalization of the Family Business in Oita Prefecture  (Key Word : ) Link
■ Awards and honors
1. 2024/07 School of Management, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Distinguished Service Award 2024
2. 2024/07 School of Management, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Impact Award 2024
3. 2010/11 The University of Hong Kong 2009-10 Tom Martyn-Johns Memorial Prize
4. 2011/11 The University of Hong Kong MBA with Distinction
5. 2011/11 The University of Hong Kong 2010-11 First Class Honours, Dean's Honour List
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■ Qualification and licenses
1. 1998/01/15 HSK 漢語水平考試 汉语水平考试 8級、 8 grade (Highest grade)、8级,Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi 合格・取得
2. 2024/01/10 Finished "Teaching with Cases" course provided by Harvard Business Publishing Education
3. 1998/04/30 Advanced Studies, Accounting and Finance, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University 1997-1998
4. 1997/07/31 Mandarin Training Center, National Taiwan Normal University 1996-1997
5. 2009/02/15 Japan Securities Dealers Association. Internal Control Manager
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■ Educational ability
● Practice example of education method
1. 2024/09/12~ Collaboration with Oita Prefectual Goverment regarding the social impacts by using Quantum Computer
2. 2023/10/01~ Pedagogy for application of generative artificial intelligence (ChatGPT, Google Gemini)
● Evaluation such as universities concerning teacher's concerned educational ability
1. 2024/07/10~2025/07/31 2024 School of Management, Distinguished Service Award
2. 2024/07/10~2025/07/31 2024 School of Management, Impact Award
3. 2024/08/26~2024/09/06 JR Oita City imprement first all foreigner MBA candidates internship from Ritsumeikan APU Link
● Special note of person who has experience of business
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■ Professional contribution to Society
1. 2024/01~2024/01 Faculty Judge, IOCC (International Online Case Competition) 2024
2. 2023/11~2023/11 Faculty Judge, APU Annual Case Competition (AACC) 2023
■ Committee and society
1. 2023/12/09~ Peking University Japan International Alumni Society Excecutive Director
2. 2024/04/01~ The School of Mangement, Ritsumeikan APU
3. 2024/01/24~ Hult Prize at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University 2024 Faculty Commitee Member