    (最終更新日:2024-10-25 18:27:24)
  チューン ヒューバート
  CHEUNG Hubert
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学 サステイナビリティ観光学部
   職種   助教
■ 学歴
1. 2016/10~2020/10 The University of Queensland Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science, School of Biological Sciences Biodiversity and Conservation Science 博士課程修了 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Link
2. 2013/09~2014/08 Newcastle University School of Biology Ecological Consultancy 修士課程修了 Master of Science (MSc)
3. 2008/09~2013/04 University of Guelph Department of Integrative Biology, College of Biological Science Zoology 卒業 Honours Bachelor of Science (Hons BSc)
■ 職歴
1. 2023/12~2024/09 Sapienza University of Rome Department of Biology and Biotechnologies 'Charles Darwin' Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow
2. 2023/08~ The University of Tokyo Department of International Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Visiting Researcher
3. 2022/06~2023/08 The University of Tokyo Department of International Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow
4. 2022/05~ Northern Arizona University School of Earth and Sustainability Adjunct Faculty
■ 現在の専門分野
Biodiversity conservation; Human dimensions of conservation, Wildlife trade governance, Conservation geopolitics (キーワード:biodiversity conservation; human dimensions of conservation; wildlife trade governance; conservation geopolitics; inclusion in science and conservation)  Link
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 2024/11 論文  Seizing a venue linking opportunity: China's strategy to advance its sea cucumber interests in global environmental governance Marine Policy 169,pp.106345 (共著)  Link
2. 2024/08/28 論文  Policy diffusion in global biodiversity conservation: Learning, competition, coercion, and emulation amidst US-China great-power politics Conservation Letters 17(4),pp.e13026 (共著)  Link
3. 2024/08/08 論文  Substitutability for CITES-Listed Species Products in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Results from a General Public Survey in Hong Kong Report by WWF Hong Kong  (共著)  Link
4. 2023/05/31 論文  Governance principles for the wildlife trade to reduce spillover and pandemic risk CABI One Health 2(1),pp.1-11 (共著)  Link
5. 2023/05/27 論文  Spread the word: Sharing information on social media can stabilize conservation funding and improve ecological outcomes Conservation Science and Practice 5(5),pp.e12857 (共著)  Link
■ 学会発表
1. 2024/06/19 Improving wildlife trade governance and reducing spillover risk go hand-in-hand(European Congress for Conservation Biology 2024)
2. 2024/05/14 Does CITES need to be reformed to be more collaborative and inclusive? Food for thought from Japan's IWC exit(Interdisciplinary Conversations on Wildlife Trade)
3. 2024/03/16 Policy diffusion in global biodiversity conservation: Learning, competition, coercion, and emulation amidst US-China great-power politics(The 71st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan)
4. 2021/12/13 Demand-side voices in the illegal wildlife trade: Listening to and engaging with TCM stakeholders to improve biodiversity outcomes(International Congress for Conservation Biology 2021)
5. 2021/11/13 The intersection of Traditional Chinese Medicine and biodiversity conservation(FAUNA International Conference 2021)
■ 講師・講演
1. 2024/05/30 Improving wildlife trade governance and reducing spillover risk go hand-in-hand(Tsukuba)
2. 2024/02/28 One Health and wildlife trade(Rome (Online))
3. 2023/12/06 Telecoupling & wildlife trade(Rome)
4. 2023/05/15 Conservation polarization: Sustainable use of charismatic megafauna(Beppu)
5. 2022/04/20 Human dimensions of wildlife trade in a post-COVID multipolar world(Flagstaff)
■ メールアドレス
■ ホームページ
■ 科研費研究者番号
■ researchmap研究者コード
■ 外部研究者ID
orcID 0000-0002-5918-9907