    (最終更新日:2024-11-05 16:50:33)
  ゴン ユアンユアン
  GONG Yuanyuan
   所属   立命館アジア太平洋大学 国際経営学部
   職種   准教授
■ 学歴
1. 2009/08~2012/07 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Management Management 博士課程修了
■ 職歴
1. 2018/04~2024/09 Okayama University Discovery Program for Global Learners Associate Professor
2. 2016/09~2017/09 Hitotsubashi Univesity Graduate School of Commence and Management Visiting scholar
3. 2014/06~2018/03 Nanjing University Department of Human Resource Management Assistant Professor
4. 2012/09~2014/05 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Management Postdoctoral fellow and adjunct lecturer
5. 2005/08~2007/05 Ernst & Young Auditor
■ 現在の専門分野
Management (キーワード:Organizational behavior, human resource management, international business) 
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 2024/04/11 論文  Leader-follower congruence in overqualification and leader undermining: the mediating role of leader's downward envy Leadership & Organization Development Journal  (共著) 
2. 2023/11/15 論文  Buddhist leaders and family firms’ acquisition behavior Asia Pacific Journal of Management  (共著) 
3. 2023/08 論文  When do resilient employees work harder? Exploring the moderating roles of overqualification and family motivation Personality and Individual Differences 210,pp.112214-112214 (共著) 
4. 2023/05/09 論文  Unraveling the stagnation of employee pay in Japanese firms: the impact of profit creation, employee productivity, and employee share Asian Business &Management 22,pp.1743-1772 (共著) 
5. 2023/01/29 論文  Linking perceived overqualification to work withdrawal, employee silence, and pro-job unethical behavior in a Chinese context: the mediating roles of shame and anger Review of Managerial Science 18(3),pp.711-737 (共著) 
■ 所属学会
1. Academy of Management
2. Asia Academy of Management
3. European Academy of Managment
4. Japanese Society of Human Resource Management
■ 学会発表
1. 2024/07 Host Market Institutional Quality and CSR Decoupling in Emerging Market Acquirers: Before vs. After Cross-border M&A Completion(Academy of International Business)
2. 2024/06 Why Extraverts Keep Silent at Work: An Ego Depletion Perspective(Japan Society of Human Resource Management Annual Conference)
3. 2023/06 When do resilient employees work harder? Exploring the moderating roles of overqualification and family motivation(Japan Society of Human Resource Management Annual Conference)
4. 2022/07 Linking leader overqualification to supervisory-focused organizational citizenship behaviour: A moderated mediation model(Japan Society of Human Resource Management Annual Conference)
5. 2020/12 Negative Emotions and Helping Behavior: the Moderating role of Negative Emotional Differentiation(European Academy of Management Annual Conference)
■ 研究課題・受託研究・科研費
1. 2024/04~2025/03  Overcoming Digital Interviews: Unveiling Applicant Adaptations in AI-Enhanced Asynchronous Video Interviews その他の補助金・助成金 
2. 2024/04~2029/03  Understanding Employee Technophobia from a Work Design Perspective 科学研究費助成事業 (キーワード:work design, STAARA technology, psychological well-being, employee technophobia, employee performance)
3. 2023/04~2024/03  Work Design for Reducing Employee Technophobia その他の補助金・助成金 
4. 2020/04~2024/03  Antecedents of Expatriate Cross-Cultural Adjustment and the Mechanisms of its Influence on Employee Outcomes 科学研究費助成事業 (キーワード:Psychological adjustment, emotion differentiation, cross-culture, employee performance, employee emotions)
5. 2019/01~2023/12  Organizational Change and Managerial Issues under Changing Environment その他の補助金・助成金 
■ 受賞学術賞
1. 2022/06 Japan Society of Human Resource Management Best Paper Award
2. 2016 International Association for Chinese Management Research Best Reviewer
3. 2016 Nanjing University Business School Teaching Award
4. 2013 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of Business Administration Teaching Award
5. 2011/08 Academy of Management Best Paper in OR/HRM/OT finalist
■ ホームページ
   Google Scholar
■ 科研費研究者番号
■ researchmap研究者コード
■ 外部研究者ID
orcID 0000000237002232
Researcher ID B000366797