    (Last updated : 2025-02-18 20:34:05)
  ZHANG Wei-Bin.
   Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of International Management
   Position   Professor
■ Education
1. Geography, Peking University, Graduated
■ Academic and professional experience
1. 2000/05 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Collage of Asia Pacific Management Professor
2. 1996/05~1996/06 The Hong Kong University of Technology Hong Kong. Transportation Economic Research Associate
3. 1996/04~2000/03 Institute of Non-equilibrium Dynamics Beijing Normal University Beijing. CHINA. Nonlinear Economic Professor(in duty)
4. 1995/11~1995/12 Tottori University Department of Social Systems Eng. Nonlinear Theory Visiting Associated Professor
5. 1995/07~1998/11 The Swedish Institute for Future Studies Stockholm. Economic Dynamics Associate Professor
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■ Message
Message to undergraduate students: Life is long but the golden time we have for learning is short. Use your time at APU wisely. A solid learning equips you for uncertain futures; pleasant experiences make life meaningful. Message to graduate school students: Studying management also means learning how to manage one’s own life. I hope that you have a fruitful and pleasant academic time and enjoy Beppu’s calm beauty, relaxing hot spring, and Japanese food.
■ Current specialized field
Economic theory, Money and finance, Chinese philosophy, Indian philosophy and Buddhist philosophy 
■ Books and theses
1. 2025/02/01 Book An Economic Theory of Gender and Population Change -Integrating Neoclassical and New Economic Growth Theory.  pp.1-333 (Single) 
2. 2025/01/20 Book A Contemporary Reading of Confucius in the Light of the Yi Jing and Complexity Theory  pp.1-240 (Single) 
3. 2024/10/01 Book Han Feizi’s Political Economic Thought and Leadership: Impact on East Asia  1,pp.1-217 (Single) 
4. 2024/08/01 Book A Theory of Interregional and International Economics -Integrating Neoclassical Growth Theory and New Economic Geography  1,pp.1-381 (Single) 
5. 2024/05/01 Book Reflections on Campus (A book of poems in Chinese)  pp.1-213 (Single) 
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■ Academic or professional association memberships
1. 2010/06 Journal of Financial Economic Policy
2. 2010/06 ∟ Editorial advisory board member
3. 2013/05 Studies in Business and Economics
4. 2013/05 ∟ Editorial advisory board member
5. 2011/02 Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination
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■ Conference presentations
1. 2022/12/13 Complexity Theory and the General Economic Theory – Economic Growth, Education, and Health. (The Fifth International Conference on Social Science Public Health, and Education)
2. 2022/11/16 Complexity Theory and the General Economic Theory: Creativity, Self-Destruction, and Emergence of Structures (2022 International Virtual Conference on Innovation, Artificial intelligence, Technology, and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, Keynote Speaker Session H1)
3. 2022/10/14 Complexity Theory, the General Economic Theory, and Social, Economic, and Environmental Sustainability. (14th SCF International Conference on “Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences”, Economic. Social, and Environmental Sustainability in the Post Covid^19 World,)
4. 2022/06/29 Complexity Theory and the General Economic Theory: Order, Chaos, and Structural Changes. (The 10th Euro-Asian Symposium on Economic Theory (EASET-2022) “Viability of Economic Theories: Through Order and Chaos,)
5. 2022/05/05 Complexity Theory, the General Economic Theory, and Future (FoF 2022: International Scientific Conference Foundations of Future)
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■ Research topic, funded research and KAKENHI
1.   general economic theory  (Key Word : general economic theory)
2.   Urban Evolution with Knowledge  (Key Word : clties,Knowledge,)
3. 2013/04~2018/03  Dynamic Interaction Between Economic Growth, Human Capital, Environment, and Resource  (Key Word : )
4. 2009~2011  Interregional Economic Dynamics-Distribution of Income and Wealth, Agglomeration and Economic Scales  (Key Word : )
5. 2004~2005  Can Tokyo compete as Asia's finance hub?  (Key Word : Service Sector, Financial Service, Business Cluster, Multivariate analysis, Measurement model, Competitive edge of the nation, Business hub, Agglomeration economies)
■ Awards and honors
1. 2016/07 Ristumeikan Asia Pacific University Award for Outstanding Service in the Field of Research AY2014
2. 2015/07 Ristumeikan Asia Pacific University Award for Outstanding Service in the Field of Research AY2014
3. 2014/07 Ristumeikan Asia Pacific University Award for Outstanding Service in the Field of Research AY2013
4. 2013/07 Ristumeikan Asia Pacific University Award for Outstanding Service in the Field of Research AY2012
5. 2012/07 Ristumeikan Asia Pacific University Award for Outstanding Service in the Field of Research AY2011
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■ Educational ability
● Practice example of education method
1. 2016/04/01 I tried to use more examples to explain economic theories. I also showed students how to understand economic systems as an whole with my own grand economic theory
● Made textbook and teaching material
1. 2016/04/01 I make careful choice of the textbooks according to APU students' quality. The choice is made with taking account of balancing concepts, theories, and examples from reality.
■ Committee and society
1. involved with 11 international academic journals editorial board members
2. 2020/06/20~ Science Academique Editorial board Link
3. 2017~ Recent Journal of Economics and Finance board members Link
4. 2015~ UTMS Journal of Economics board members Link
5. 2014~ Applied Finance and Accounting board members Link
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■ Homepage
■ JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number
■ Researchmap researcher code