1. |
2022/12/13 |
Complexity Theory and the General Economic Theory – Economic Growth, Education, and Health. (The Fifth International Conference on Social Science Public Health, and Education)
2. |
2022/11/16 |
Complexity Theory and the General Economic Theory: Creativity, Self-Destruction, and Emergence of Structures (2022 International Virtual Conference on Innovation, Artificial intelligence, Technology, and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, Keynote Speaker Session H1)
3. |
2022/10/14 |
Complexity Theory, the General Economic Theory, and Social, Economic, and Environmental Sustainability. (14th SCF International Conference on “Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences”, Economic. Social, and Environmental Sustainability in the Post Covid^19 World,)
4. |
2022/06/29 |
Complexity Theory and the General Economic Theory: Order, Chaos, and Structural Changes. (The 10th Euro-Asian Symposium on Economic Theory (EASET-2022) “Viability of Economic Theories: Through Order and Chaos,)
5. |
2022/05/05 |
Complexity Theory, the General Economic Theory, and Future (FoF 2022: International Scientific Conference Foundations of Future)
6. |
2024/06/26 |
Failures of Economic Theory in the Light of Complexity Theory. (XI Euro-Asia Symposium on Economic Theory, EASET-2024)
7. |
2024/03/21 |
Economic Complexity Theory and the General Economic Theory: Applying Synergetics. (2024 Spring meeting of the DPG (German Physical Society) in the symposium “Statistical Physics of Economic and Financial Systems". Mar 19-24 2024. https://www.dpg-verhandlungen.de/year/2024/conference/berlin/static/)
8. |
2022/01/15 |
On the General Economic Theory: (2022 7th International Conference on Marketing. Business and Trade (ICMBT, 2022), Tokyo, Japan, 2022, Jan 14-17.)
9. |
2021/11/07 |
On the General Economic Theory: (2021 International Virtual Conference on Innovation, Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem (ICITAIEE), online from November 16 to 18)
10. |
2021/01/11 |
The General Economic Theory: (2021 the 6th International Conference on Marketing. Business and Trade)
11. |
2019/01/12 |
Tourism, Growth and and Business Cycles (ICMBT 2019)
12. |
2018/08/30 |
Growth and Residential Location with Endogenous Land Value in a Small-Open Economy (VIII FIMEF Financial Research Conference)
13. |
2018/02/02 |
Endogenous Growth and Business Cycles with Tourism in a Small-Open Economy (6th International Conference on Green, Growth, Globalization, Governance and GST (5G): Opportunities and Challenges, 2nd-4th Feb. 2018, Jaipur, India)
14. |
2017/12/25 |
Endogenous Economic Growth with Education Subsidies (2017 International Conference on Global Issues and Development of Social Sciences Research, December 25-26, 2017, Johannesburg, South Africa)
15. |
2017/12/02 |
Urban Growth and Economic Fluctuations with Land Value and Land Rent (15th International Conference on Social Sciences, Business, Technology and Management, December 02-03, 2017, Seoul, Korea)
16. |
2017/10/13 |
Progressive Income Taxation and Public Good in an Extended Solowian Model (International Academy of Business and Economics (IABE)-2017 New York - Fall Conference, October 12 - 14, 2017, New York, USA)
17. |
2017/08/24 |
Economic Growth, Land Value, and Land Rent with Residential Location in a Small City (2017 International Symposium on Economics and Social Science - Summer Session, 23rd to 25th August 2017, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan)
18. |
2017/07/25 |
Business Cycles and Economic Growth with Progressive Income Taxation (The 6th International Conference on Social Science and Business, Okinawa, Japan)
19. |
2017/02/12 |
A Monetary Economic Growth Model with Gender Division of Labor (2017 4th International Conference on Innovation in Economics and Business (ICIEB 2017), 12-14, February 2017, Barcelona, Spain)
20. |
2016/12/26 |
Economic Cycles and Growth of a Small-Open Economy with Seasonal Tourism (9th International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 26-27, Dec 2016, Bangkok, Thailand, Organized by GAHSSR – Global Association for Humanities and Social Science Research)
21. |
2016/12/06 |
Business Cycles with Capital, Environment and Renewable Resources (International Conference on Issues in Business, Economics, Marketing and Mathematics (IBEMM-16), 5-6, December 2016, Singapore)
22. |
2016/09/17 |
An Extended Heckscher-Ohlin Model with Global Economic Fluctuations (Australia and New Zealand Business and Social Science Research Conference (ANZBSRC) 2016 Conference, 17-18, September 2016, Sydney, Australia)
23. |
2016/08/27 |
Land Value Fluctuations in a Two-Sector Growth Model (12th Global Business and Social Science Research Conference, 26-28, August 2016, Beijing, China)
24. |
2016/08/01 |
Wealth and Income Distribution Fluctuations in a Tourist Economy (The International Conference Sustainable Development Business and Economics in London, 1-3, August 2016, London, United Kingdom)
25. |
2015/11/13 |
Oscillations in Economic Growth and Environmental Change with Exogenous Shocks (International Academic Conference on Management, Economics and Marketing Vienna)
26. |
2015/10/02 |
Oscillations in Economic Growth and Renewable Resources with Exogenous Shocks (Melbourne International Business and Social Sciences Conference (MIBSC) in Melbourne)
27. |
2015/08/26 |
Population Growth and Economic Oscillations in a Small-Open Growth Model (Multidisciplinary Academic Research & Global Innovation in Beijing)
28. |
2015/08/07 |
Growth of a Small-Open Economy with Tourism and Elastic Labor Supply (Multidisciplinary Academic Conference on Economics, Management and Marketing in Prague)
29. |
2015/02/12 |
Elastic Labor Supply and Economic Growth with Externalities and Congestion of Public Good (The International Conference on Management, Business, and Economics (ICMBE) & The 3rd International Conference on Tourism, Transport, and Logistics (ICTTL) 2015, 12–14 February 2015, Sydney, Australia)
30. |
2014/12/30 |
Population Growth and Gender Time Distribution in a Small-Open Growth Model (2014 The International Symposium on Social Sciences, 29-31 December 2014, Hong Kong)
31. |
2014/11/13 |
Endogenous Population and Environmental Change in a Small-Open Economic Growth Model with Wealth Accumulation (2014 International Symposium on Business and Management, 12-14 November 2014, Tokyo, Japan)
32. |
2014/10/29 |
Dynamics of Income and Wealth Distribution in a General Equilibrium Model (Int'l Conference for Academic Disciplines, 28-31 October 2014, Rome, Italy.)
33. |
2013/12/20 |
Tourism and Economic Growth with Endogenous Income and Wealth Distribution (The International Symposium on Social Sciences, 19-21 December 2013, Hong Kong)
34. |
2013/11/21 |
Economic Growth of a Small-Open Economy with Tourism and Elastic Labor Supply (ABMC 2013 - The Fourth Annual Asian Business and Management Conference, 21-22 November 2013, Osaka, Japan)
35. |
2013/11/03 |
Growth and Inequality in a Small-Open Tourist Economy (APU Conference, Revitalization and Development, 2-3 November 2013, APU, Beppu, Japan)
36. |
2013/07/26 |
Economic Growth and Environmental Change with Gender Division of Labor and Leisure (The Global Business, Management Information System, Economics and Finance Research Conference, sponsored by The Journal of American Business Review, July 25-28, 2013, Tokyo, Japan.)
37. |
2013/01/10 |
Environmental Dynamics and Sustainable Development with Elastic Labor Supply and Economic Structural Changes (2013 Annual Symposium on Management, Operations Research and Economics Conference)
38. |
2012/12/22 |
Economic Structural Change and Growth with Two Capital Goods (2012 3rd International Conference on Economics, Business and Management - ICEBM 2012)
39. |
2012/12/07 |
A Growth Model with Endogenous Physical and Human Capital and Environment (International Research Symposium on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Commerce, Economics, Business, and Social Sciences Conference)
40. |
2012/10/25 |
Inflation Policy, Education and Home Production in a Monetary Growth Model (Finance, Business & Banking Symposium)
41. |
2012/07/03 |
Global Wealth Accumulation and Trade Pattern in a Heterogeneous-Household and Multi-Country Monetary Model with National Inflation Policies (III World Finance Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2-4 July 2012, Universidade Candido Mendes, Ipanema)
42. |
2012/03/23 |
Global Trade and Economic Growth with Endogenous Knowledge (Academic and Business Research Institute (AABRI) International Conference 2012, March 22-24, 2012, San Antonio)
43. |
2012/02/18 |
Interregional Economic Growth with Capital Accumulation and Agglomeration (Europe International Conference on Global Business Environment (ICGBE), The Role of Education and Technology, 17-19 February 2012, Bangkok, Thailand)
44. |
2012/01/21 |
Complex Systems, Economic Development and Environmental Change (Advancements in Business, Economics & Innovation Management Research, 20-21 January, 2012, Beppu, Japan, organized by GSM, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)
45. |
2012/01/08 |
Global Economic Growth, Trade Patterns and Non-tradable Services (Business & Economics Society International January 2010 Conference, January 7-10, 2012, Queenstown, New Zealand)
46. |
2011/12/01 |
Environmental Policy and Environmental Change in a Three-Sector Growth Model (EcoDesign 2011, November 30 – December 2, 2011, Kyoto, Japan)
47. |
2011/11/27 |
The Manchu Ruling and the Chinese Servility During the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) (The 2nd IAAPS Annual Conference: Outlook for the Asia Pacific, 26-27 November, 2011, APU, Beppu, Japan, organized by International Association for Asia Pacific Studies)
48. |
2011/11/06 |
(Invited presentation) A Multi-Sector Growth Model with Capital Accumulation (2011 Winter Workshop on Economic Heterogeneous Interacting Agents (2011 Winter WEHIA), Nov. 5-6, 2011 in Tianjin, China)
49. |
2011/07/30 |
The Impact of Transport, Land and Fiscal Policy on Housing and Economic Geography in a Small-Open Growth Model ((2009国際会議: 2011Canada) The World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research (WSTLUR), July 28-30, 2011, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada)
50. |
2011/07/16 |
(Invited Presentation) Environmental Change and Economic Development in the Light of Nonlinear Dynamic Theory (PACE 2011 International Symposium on China’s Environment, Economy and Policy)
51. |
2011/03/18 |
A Monetary Two-Country and Heterogeneous Households Growth Model with Capital Accumulation and Inflation Policies (The 71st International Atlantic Economic Conference, 17-19 March, 2011, Athen)
52. |
2011/01/28 |
Pollution Dynamics and the Environmental Kuznets Curve in a Neoclassical Growth Model (The 2011 International Winter Conference on Environmental Innovations and Sustainability, 28-29 January, 2011, Beppu, Japan)
53. |
2011/01/24 |
Spatial Economic Growth, Housing and Residential Distribution with Government’s Monetary Policy (The 2011 International Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation & Technology Management, 23-25 January, 2011, Bali, Indonesia)
54. |
2010/11/24 |
Fukuzawa Yukichi: A Modern Examination with Ancient Confucianism (APU conference)
55. |
2010/11/04 |
Knowledge, Growth and Trade with Learning by Doing - Some Insights into Economic Globalization (Invited presentation at the 6th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Economy & Global Management, November 4-5, 2010, Tainan, Taiwan, organized by Southern Taiwan University)
56. |
2010/06/22 |
Global Economic Growth with National Congested Public Goods and Fiscal Policies – An International Trade Model with Capital Accumulation and Labor Supply (The Third Global Studies Conference, 21-23 June 2010, Busan National University, Busan, South Korea)
57. |
2010/06/01 |
Taxation, Public Sector Performance, and Externalities in Global Economic Growth (The 2010 (summer) International Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation & Technology Management, 25-27 July, 2010, Beijing, China)
58. |
2010/03/30 |
Economic Growth and Gender Division of Labor with Creativity, Knowledge Utilization, and Capital Accumulation (The 2nd European Conference on Intellectual Capital”, 29-30 March 2010, Lisbon, Portugal)
59. |
2010/03/12 |
Fiscal Policies and Growth with Externalities, Public Good, and Congestion (The 10th Annual Conference of the National Business & Economics Society, 10-13 March, 2010, Hawaii (Kauai), USA)
60. |
2010/03/02 |
Growth, Elastic Labor Supply and Structural Change in an Economy with Heterogeneous Households. (Paper presented at International Conference on Business, Economics, and Information Technology, 1-2 March, 2010, Seoul, Korea)
61. |
2009/12 |
A Two-Country Growth Model with International Trade, National Public Good and Fiscal Policies (APU 10th Anniversary, AY 2009 Asia Pacific Conference, “Reflections on the Asia Pacific – Past, Present and Future”, 12-13 December 2009, APU, Beppu-city, Japan, organized by APU RCAPS)
62. |
2009/12 |
Economic Structure and Growth of a Small Urban Economy with Housing (Golden Jibilee International Conference, “Development and Sustainability in the Era of Globalisation", 29-30 December 2009, Burdwan, India, organized by Department of Economics, University of Burdwan)
63. |
2009/10 |
Externalities, Congestion, Savings, and Fiscal Policies in a Two-Regional Small-Open Growth Economy (The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the RSAI, 10-12 October 2009, Hiroshima, Japan, organized by JSRSAI (The conference paper is published in Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting, 2009, The Japan Section of the RSAI)
64. |
2009/09 |
Labor Supply and Human Capital in a Three-Sector Growth Model (The 21st Annual European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) Conference, 10-12 September 2009, Tallinn, Estonia)
65. |
2009/08 |
A Two-Sector Two-Group Growth Model with Endogenous Time and Consumer Durables (The Singapore Economic Review Conferences 2009, 6-8 August 2009, Singapore)
66. |
2008/09 |
Interregional Migration and Economic Growth in a Multi-Region Multi-Group Economy – Spatial Amenity, Productivity, and Agglomeration (Paper presented at The 26th International Conference in Mathematical Methods in Economics, 17-19 September 2008, organized by Czech Society for Operations Research)
67. |
2000/03/25 |
Theory of Complexity and Economic Dynamics (conference of Evolutionary Economics in Tokyo, 25-26 March 2000)
68. |
2000/03/24 |
Economic Growth with Endogenous Technology and Pollution (The GRUGE Conference, 24 March 2000)
69. |
1999/10/29 |
Economic Consequences of Altruism - A Two-Group Growth Model of the Welfare Economy (Perspectives on Altruism from the Humanities and Social Sciences, 29 October 1999)
70. |
1995/06 |
Economic Growth, Housing and Residential Location (The 14th Conference of the Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization, June 1995)
71. |
1995/06 |
Knowledge, Infrastructures and Economic Structure (The 7th World Conference on Transport Research, June 1995, Sydney)
72. |
1995/06 |
Taste Change, Economic Growth and Structural Transformation (The 14th Conference of the Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization, June 1995, Taipei)
73. |
1992/10 |
Economic Structure and Stocks of Capital and Knowledge (IFAC/IFORS/IIASA Conference on Modelling and Control of National Economies, Beijing)
74. |
1992/07 |
Change Speeds and Time Scales in Economic Dynamics - An Insight by Synergetic Economics (Operation Research’ 92 GMÖOR)
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