    (Last updated : 2024-05-08 13:39:49)
  STILP Lance Joseph
   Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Center for Language Education
   Position   Tenured Senior Lecturer
■ Education
1. 2010/08~2012/08 〔Master Course〕 Applied English Linguistics, English Department, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Completed
2. 2003/08~2007/05 Department of East Asian Studies, University of Wisconsin- Madison, Graduated
■ Academic and professional experience
1. 2018/03 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Tenured Senior Lecturer
2. 2013/04 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University English Lectuer
3. 2010/08~2012/08 University of Wisconsin - Madison English Lecturer
4. 2007/08~2010/08 Japan Exchange Teaching program (JET) Assistant Language Teacher
■ Message
■ Current specialized field
Linguistics, Sociology 
■ Books and theses
1. 2024/04/16 Article High-Frequency Vocabulary: Moving From Recognition to Recall Level on Quizlet  14(2),pp.1-12 (Collaboration) 
2. 2019/03 Article Survey on HAFU Film: Reflections on Diversity in Japan Bilingual Japan 27(3) (Single) 
3. 2018/08 Article Learning Opportunities Among Expert–Novice
Pairs in the L2 Classroom Japan Association for Language Teaching Conference Proceedings 2017(1) (Collaboration) 
4. 2017/12 Article Mixed heritage university students in Japan: Narratives on language, culture, and identity. Bilingual Japan 25(3),pp.12-18 (Single) 
5. 2017/12 Article Paying it forward: Half-Japanese and the Hafu2Hafu Project. Bilingual Japan 26(1),pp.5-8 (Single) 
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■ Academic or professional association memberships
1. 2011/10~ JALT Bilingualism Special Interest Group
2. 2011/10~ ∟ Bilingualism Special Interest Group Newsletter Editor
■ Conference presentations
1. 2024/05/08 High-Frequency Vocabulary: Moving from Recognition to Recall Level on Quizlet (Asia Pacific Language Journal)
2. 2020/11/22 Assurance of Learning for a Vocabulary Program (JALT 2020)
3. 2020/11/21 Enhancing NGSL Recall Through Blended Learning (JALT 2020)
4. 2020/11/21 Evaluating Online Vocabulary Tools (JALT 2020)
5. 2020/06/07 Evaluating Online Vocabulary Tools (JALT CALL 2020)
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■ Qualification and licenses
1. 2012/08 Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
■ Educational ability
● Practice example of education method
1. 2015/04~2016/04 Faculty Initiative Projects
2. 2015/03 APU Pre-Camp
● Made textbook and teaching material
1. 2019/02/01 APU Camp Course Packet
2. 2018/06/20 IELTS Speaking Training Materials
3. 2018/03 APU Camp Course Packet
● Announcement concerning education
● Matter that should be mentioned specially in others educational activity
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