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2024/10/05 |
Aging as a Muslim Minority: The Politics of Burial Cemeteries in Japan (International Symposium on Global Aging and Diversity)
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2024/07/29 |
Dying on the Margins: Resident Muslims and the Politics of Burial Cemeteries in Japan (International Convention on Asian Scholars (ICAS) 13)
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2021/08/26 |
Closing the Wage Gap: Equal Pay for Equal Work in Post-Reform Japan (International Convention on Asian Scholars (ICAS) 12)
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2021/03/24 |
The Japanese Way of Equal Pay for Equal Work: Implications of the Supreme Court Decisions Under the Covid Pandemic. (Association of Asian Studies Annual Conference)
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2020/11/04 |
Non-Regular Workers and the Equal Pay for Equal Work Legislation: A Critical Assessment of Abe's Labor Reform (Asia Pacific Conference)
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2019/11/11 |
How Will Workers Benefit from PM Abe’s Labor Reform: A Critical Reflection on Work Hour Regulation & Equal Pay for Equal Work. (GEAS Open Colloquium)
7. |
2019/03/22 |
Japan’s Labor Reform: Its Potential in the Advancement of Non-Regular Workers (Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting)
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2018/12/14 |
Economic Growth through Social Protection? Tentative Analysis on the Nature of PM Abe’s Work Style Reform (Labour Market Liberalisation after the Lehman Crisis: France, Germany and Japan in Comparative Perspective,)
9. |
2018/06/23 |
De-Legitimizing Symbolic Power: How the Work Style Reform May Erode Workers’ Resistance. (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) 30th Annual Meeting)
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2017/09/02 |
Neoliberal Reforms of Temporary Agency Work: In Whose Benefit? (15th International Conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies (EAJS))
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2016/07/14 |
Linking Consent and Resistance: Worker Responses to the Vulnerability of Informal Employment in Japan (International Sociological Association Third ISA Form of Sociology)
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2016/07/12 |
Social Movement Unionism in Contemporary Japan: Community Union's Response to Economic Crisis (International Sociological Association Third ISA Forum of Sociology)
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2016/04/29 |
Labor Unions and Coalition-Building in an Era of Neoliberalism: Cases from Japan (International Symposium: Crisis and Precarious Work in the Neoliberal World)
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2014/07/18 |
Alternative Unions and their Involvement in the Post-3.11 Disaster Politics (International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology)
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2013/04/04 |
Making Temp Work Meaningful: Ethnographic Study of Precarious Workers in Contemporary Japan (2013 School of Pacific and Asian Studies Graduate Student Conference)
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2012/08/20 |
Why Do Temp Workers Work as Hard as They Do?: Case of Japanese Factory Temps (American Sociological Association Annual Meeting)
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2011/04/01 |
Managing the Meanings of 'Haken': Structuration of Temporary Dispatched Work in Neoliberal Japan. (Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting)
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2010/11/26 |
Struggles in Isolation: Processes and Consequences of Adapting to Temporary Agency Work in Contemporary Japan (Expert Workshop on New Employment Risks in East Asia)
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2009/03/26 |
Low Status Workers in High-Tech Industries (Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting)
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2008/11/09 |
Okinawan Anti-Base Movements: How Does Memory Matter in Situations of Conflict? (Anthropologists of Japan in Japan (AJJ) Conference)
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2008/10/15 |
Regional Integration from Below?: Labor Issues and Union Cooperation between Japan and Korea. (Employment Challenges in an Era of Asian Regional Integration)
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2007/08/15 |
Memory as the Medium and Outcome of Social Movements (American Sociological Association Annual Meeting)
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