    (Last updated : 2025-03-14 18:24:23)
  KOJIMA Shinji
   Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of Asia Pacific Studies
   Position   Associate Professor
■ Education
1. 2013/08 〔Doctorial Course〕 Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Completed, Ph.D.
2. 2008/04~2009/09 Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies Exchange Researcher, Waseda University,
3. 2004/05 〔Master Course〕 Sociology, Department of Sociology, ハワイ大学マノア校, Completed, Master in Sociology
■ Academic and professional experience
1. 2013/08~2014/01 University of Hawaii at Manoa Department of Sociology Lecturer
2. 2014/04~2017/03 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of Asia Pacific Studies Assistant Professor
3. 2017/04~ Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of Asia Pacific Studies Associate Professor
4. 2019/09~2020/03 Freie Universität Berlin Graduate School of East Asian Studies Visiting Scholar
5. 2024/09~2025/03 New Zealand Asia Institute (NZAI), University of Auckland Visiting Scholar
■ Message
Acquire good habits.
■ Current specialized field
Sociology, Area Studies (Key Word:Social Stratification and Inequality, Sociology of Work, Globalization, Social Movements, Migration and Inequality, Multiculturalism) 
■ Books and theses
1. 2024/05/01 Book The Power of Alternative Union Networks Alternative Politics in Contemporary Japan: New Directions in Social Movements pp.64-88 (Single)  Link
2. 2024/05/26 Article Litigating Equal Pay for Equal Work in Japan, 2012-2020 Journal of Contemporary Asia (SSCI) 54(3),pp.432-452 (Collaboration)  Link
3. 2023/11/05 Article To Bury or Not to Bury: Muslim Migrants and the Politics of Funerary Rights in Contemporary Japan The Asia-Pacific Journal Japan Focus (Scopus) 21(11),pp.1-21 (Single)  Link
4. 2023/07 Book Making Sense of Inequalities at Work: The Micropolitics of Everyday Negotiation Among Non-Regular Workers in Japan Temporary & Gig Economy Workers in China and Japan: The Culture of Unequal Work pp.196-217 (Single)  Link
5. 2022/12/19 Article Privilege and Anxiety: The Korean Middle Class in the Global Era by Hagen Koo, Ithaka, NY, Cornell University Press, 2022, ix+ 146 pp The Developing Economies (SSCI) 61(1),pp.66-69 (Single)  Link
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■ Conference presentations
1. 2024/10/05 Aging as a Muslim Minority: The Politics of Burial Cemeteries in Japan (International Symposium on Global Aging and Diversity)
2. 2024/07/29 Dying on the Margins: Resident Muslims and the Politics of Burial Cemeteries in Japan (International Convention on Asian Scholars (ICAS) 13)
3. 2021/08/26 Closing the Wage Gap: Equal Pay for Equal Work in Post-Reform Japan (International Convention on Asian Scholars (ICAS) 12)
4. 2021/03/24 The Japanese Way of Equal Pay for Equal Work: Implications of the Supreme Court Decisions Under the Covid Pandemic. (Association of Asian Studies Annual Conference)
5. 2020/11/04 Non-Regular Workers and the Equal Pay for Equal Work Legislation: A Critical Assessment of Abe's Labor Reform (Asia Pacific Conference)
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■ Research topic, funded research and KAKENHI
1. 2023/04~  A Sociological Analysis of the Upper Middle Class Formation in Contemporary Japan  (Key Word : )
2. 2020/04~2023/03  Evaluating Work Style Reform: A Workplace-centered Study of Policy Outcomes  (Key Word : )
3. 2016/04~2020/03  Comparative Institutional Analysis of Temporary Agency Employment Systems: Germany, Japan, and Korea  (Key Word : )
4. 2016/04~2017/03  Grant for Young Researchers, Science Research Promotion Fund  (Key Word : )
■ Awards and honors
1. 2012/08 *
2. 2013/04 *
■ Committee and society
1. 2024/01/01~ Committee on the Promotion of International Transmission of Scholarly Work, Japan Sociological Society Committee Member
2. 2022/01/01~2023/12/31 Japanese Journal of Sociology (Editorial Board) Editorial Board Member
■ E-Mail address
■ External Researcher ID
orcID 0000-0003-0315-8527