    (Last updated : 2025-03-22 18:51:50)
  YAMAGATA Tatsufumi
   Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of Asia Pacific Studies
   Position   Professor
■ Education
1. 1992/09~2000/03 〔Doctorial Course〕 Economics, Department of Economics, University of Rochester, Completed, Ph. D.
2. 1986/04~1988/03 〔Master Course〕 Economic Policy, Graduate School Division of Economics, Keio University, Completed, Master of Arts
3. 1982/04~1986/03 Faculty of Economics, Keio University, Graduated, Bachelor of Art
■ Academic and professional experience
1. Professor
2. 2024/09~ Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Advisory Committee on Evaluation Chairperson Link
3. 2019/04~2023/03 Ritsumeikan Center for Asia Pacific Studies Director
4. 1988/04~2018/09 Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO) Researcher Link
5. 2017/11~2020/12 Japan Society for International Development President Link
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■ Message
Message to undergraduate students: I teach “Global Poverty” to undergraduate students in English, while I teach "World Economy and Global Issues" in Japanese. I lived in Bangladesh in 2000 for a year. Since then, I have visited the country around 20 times. Message to graduate school students: I supervise both master and doctor students. In the spring semester I teach “Development Economics”. As for research, I did empirical studies on industrial development and poverty reduction; disability and development; and innovation of medicines against tropical infectious diseases.
■ Current specialized field
Development Economics, International Cooperation, Bangladesh Economy, Textile and Apparel Industry, Disability and Development, Health and Infectious Diseases, Applied Economics, Area Studies (Key Word:Development Economics, Bangladeshi economy, Infectious diseases and medicines against them, Disability and development, Textile and apparel industry) 
■ Books and theses
1. 2025/04/01 Book New Perspectives for International Cooperation: For the Future We Want   (Collaboration)  Link
2. 2024/11/30 Article Japanese Style of International Cooperation, for the Japanese, by the Japanese: Comments to Presentations at Session “Inquiring the Essence of ‘Japanese-Style’ International Cooperation” (in Japanese) Journal of International Development Studies pp.85-92 (Single)  Link
3. 2025/01/15 Article The Future of Development Cooperation: Don’t tie ODA to security Discuss Japan 86 (Single)  Link
4. 2024/10/30 Article Development Cooperation Should Not Be Only for the Purpose of Japan's National Security (in Japanese) Nikkei  (Single)  Link
5. 2024/09/04 Article New International Economic Orders ­Accommodating the Global South: A Quest for New Donor-Coordination Frameworks for Sovereign Debt Restructuring (in Japanese) Kokusai Keizai 76,pp.69-95 (Single)  Link
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■ Academic or professional association memberships
1. 2001/07~ Japan Society for International Development Link
2. 2017/11~2020/12 ∟ President
3. 2023/11~ ∟ Head, Reasonable Accommodation Working Group
4. 2005/11~2011/11 ∟ Executive Director
5. 2005/11~ ∟ Director
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■ Conference presentations
1. 2024/06/15 Win-Win Discourses and the Development Cooperation Charter of Japan: Analyses with the Tinbergen Rule, Median Voter Theorem and White Man's Burden Claim (The 25th JASID Spring Conference, Japan Society for International Development)
2. 2023/12/23 Why Do People Advocate Japan's Development Cooperation Charter?: Insights from the White Man's Burden Argument, Median Voter Theorem and Tinbergen Rule (in Japanese) (Japanese Society of Regional and Agricultural Development, 2023 Fall Conference) Link
3. 2023/10/14 New International Economic Orders Led by the Global South: A Quest for New Donor-Coordination Frameworks for Sovereign Debt Restructuring (in Japanese) (The 81th Annual Conference) Link
4. 2022/06/18 Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines to 49 Sub-Saharan African Countries: Which Vaccines Go Where and How? (Japan Society for International Development, 2022 Spring Conference)
5. 2021/11/21 International Development Cooperation of Japan and South Korea: New Strategies for an Uncertain World (Japan Society for International Development, 2021 Annual Conference) Link
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■ Works
1. 2025/03/09 Discussion on Dr Debapriya Bhattacharya's Lecture, “What's in the White Paper on Bangladesh's Economy?” (Nagoya (Online))
2. 2025/02/14 Japan's Cooperation in Comparison with China's (Antananarivo, Madagascar)
3. 2025/02/13 Japan's Economic Development after Two Regime Shifts (Antananarivo, Madagascar)
4. 2024/12/06 Growing Presence of Bangladesh for Japan: In the Context of ODA (Tokyo)
5. 2024/11/15 Japan's Cooperation Policies for Climate Change (Shanghai, China) Link
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■ Awards and honors
1. 2014/01 Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development (FASID) OKITA Memorial Prize for International Development Research Link
2. 2004/11 Japan Society for International Development JASID Encouragement Award for Excellent Articles Link
■ Professional contribution to Society
1. 2024/02~2024/02 Comments at JICA-World Bank Tokyo Seminar “Green Growth: Energy Efficiency in South Asia” Link
2. 2024/02~2024/02 Revision of the Development Cooperation Charter: Examination of Impacts of Involvement of Japan's Civil Society to It Link
3. 2023/10~2023/10 For Whom Is Japan's ODA? Japan's National Interests, or Those of Everyone on the Globe Link
4. 2023/10~2023/10 Reconsidering Aims of International Cooperation: National Interests Override Japan's Assistance (in Japanese) Link
5. 2023/09~2023/09 Discussion "Official Development Assistance and National Interests" Keep Up Idealism for Prosperity of the World (in Japanese) Link
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■ Committee and society
1. 2024/09/17~2026/06/30 Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Advisory Committee on Evaluation Chairperson Link
2. 2024/01/01~2028/01/31 Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Advisory Committee for the Maheshkhali-Matarbari Integrated Development Initiative (MIDI) Master Plan Formulation Project, People's Republic of Bangladesh Chair Person
3. 2023/07/01~ Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Advisory Committee on Evaluation Member Link
4. 2019/08/06~2020/03/31 Policy-Level ODA Evaluation Project for "Evaluation of Japan's ODA for Promotion of Empowerment of Women," Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan Chief Evaluator Link
5. 2016/08~2017/03/31 Policy-Level ODA Evaluation Project for "Country Assistance Evaluation of the Republic of Paraguay," Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan Chief Evaluator Link
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■ Homepage
   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University - Faculty Information - Tatsufumi Yamagata
■ External Researcher ID
orcID 0000-0001-7510-4160